Chapter One

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Chapter One: School

Elena's P.O.V:
//14 Hours Before The Attack//

I groan rolling over in my bed when my alarm goes off waking me up. I was having a good dream too. I grab my phone off the charger and click the button to shut it off. Sighing, I lay there a few minutes before finally getting up out from under my covers. The chilly air in my room causing me to shiver. I really wished my dad would turn the heat up. But like any stereotypical dad, he won't let anyone touch his thermostat. He can even sense when you're near it. Kinda freaky, if you as me.

I stand up and head to the bathroom, quickly doing my business in there, showering, brushing my teeth, blow drying my hair, the usual. Of course, my twin brother gets up late and needs to go while I'm still getting ready, "Come on Elena! You take forever in there!" I groan and roll my eyes, "Maybe if you'd actually wake up on time or before me, you wouldn't have to deal with this problem!" I slam open the bathroom door to see him doing the pee dance, "you do realize we have another bathroom right?" I ask him.

He nods his head frantically, "Mom's in there getting ready though- now move!" He pushes me out of the way of the doorway, quickly going in and slamming the door shut. I sigh and roll my eyes again, walking back to my bedroom. I take off my bath robe and set it down on my bed before heading over to my dresser to pick out my essential items, a bra and panties. Well, underwear. Those two terms have always made me feel uncomfortable. Besides you wear them underneath your clothing, no need to give them special names. I put those on, heading over to my closet afterwards. I pick out a black shirt and a pair capris jeans. I put those on and lastly slip on a pair of white socks and white vans.

Looking in the mirror, I felt good. Granted it was a simplistic outfit, it still felt like there was a lot a thought put into it.

I grab my jean jacket and messenger bag that hung on the back of my bedroom door. I slung my bags strap over my shoulder and head downstairs. Downstairs was my mom. She was all nice and ready to drop us off at school, "Morning mom," I say to her sitting down at the table across from her. She looks up from her phone screen and smiles, "Morning, is your brother ready?" I shrug unsure if he was or not. Mom gets up from the table and walks to the bottom of the stairs. She calls up to him, "Adrian! Hurry up! Your sister and I will be waiting in the car!" And with that her and I head outside to the car. I get into the passenger seat, calling shotgun once again like usual.

//13 Hours//

Adrian and I get to school. Heading straight to our classes to meet up with our friend groups. As I approach my homeroom I spot my two friends, Mia and Freya. Mia was about my height, natural blonde hair that was super curly and big bright blue eyes to match. Freya one the other hand was taller than us two and had poker straight hair that was dyed neon orange and her eyes were green. Those two were polar opposite's from one another. But surprisingly, got along great!

I walk up to them, "Morning!"

"Good morning!" Mia says back to me. Freya waves at me and yawns, "She didn't get much sleep last night."

"I can see that. What were you up doing?" I ask Freya. She shrugs and yawns again.

"Let's get to our sets," Freya finally says. Mia and I nod in agreement. Soon all three of us head inside homeroom and take our sets next to one another.

//10 Hours//

Lunch came around quicker than I thought it would. Which I was glad for, forgot to eat breakfast. Fortunately, lunch wasn't that bad today. Usually school lunches are terrible. I take my tray over to mine and my friends normal table, sitting down next to them. Freya was passed out, "I don't know why she came to school today. She should've stayed home if she was just going to sleep," I tell Mia, who was digging into her food.

"Her attendance is pretty bad and if I were her I wouldn't want to be home with her family," Mia says. Right, Freya doesn't have that great of a family life. Her parents are always fighting, she constantly has to take care of her little sister, and she barely gets a break from home. The only breaks she gets is when she's sleeping or at school. Other than that, she's constantly up and going. "Maybe Freya can stay the night over at your house," I suggest.

Mia swallows a bite of her food, "I've tried. She refuses to leave her little sister alone with her parents longer than an hour."

"What if her sister stays the night too?"

"Tried. Her parents refuse to let that happen. So she's just stuck," Mia explains. I sigh and start eating my lunch.

//6 Hours//

Finally, I was home free! I head upstairs to my room and flop down onto my bed. Not ten seconds later was I interrupted by my brother busting in through my door. I sit up and look at him, "What the fuck Adrian? What do you want?" I ask him in an obviously pissed off tone.

"Could you help me?" He asks.


"Okay so I need help sneaking out of the house tonight. Could you distract mom and dad? Please? I'll do anything!" He pleads cupping his hands together.

I pinch the bridge of my nose, "No Adrian. I'm not helping you sneak out of the house just so you can hangout with you boyfriend. No way. If mom and dad found out we'd both be dead."

He frowns, "Please! I haven't seen him in so long. I promise I'll do anything to repay you if you just do this one thing."

"Okay, if you pay me a thousand dollars I'll do it," I tell him sarcastically.

"You know I can't do that."

"You did say you'd do anything."

He rolls his eyes, "Anything I can actually do."

"Well then there isn't anything you can actually do because I'm not helping. You want to see your boyfriend so bad, figure it out yourself," I stand up and walk over to him, "Now please leave me alone and out of this," I grab his shirt and pull him towards the door shoving him out of my room before closing and locking it.

"Fine, whatever," I hear him say through my door. Afterwards I hear him walk away, more like, stomp away like a child throwing a fit.

//2 Hours//

I just finished up my homework. At first, I was going to go to bed, but mom called me downstairs. I head down to see mom, dad, and Adrian in the living room, "Yes?" I ask standing there in the doorway. Mom holds out a piece of paper towards me. I take it. Scanning over the sheet, it was my report card, yikes, "Explain to me why you two are failing? You're seniors. You can't be flunking this year," mom says to us both.

I sigh, "It's just one class for me. I'll get my grade back up in no time."

"Sure you will. You have an F in math and you expect me to believe you'll get your grade up in time?" Mom asks sternly, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Yes I do. I just need to study some more. Math is difficult. It's not second grade math anymore mom," I comment.

Mom turns her attention to Adrian, "And you? You want to see your boyfriend so badly, yet you can't keep your grades up in any of your classes." Adrian just looks at the floor as mom continues to lecture him.

//20 Minutes//

I got fed up of all the arguing and lectures from mom. So...I decided to get away. I need fresh air. Mom of course is going to be pissed even more by time I get back, but it's totally worth it. I didn't want to sit through another lecture about how it's our senior year and we need to keep our grades up. Sure, we do but that isn't going to help us get them any better. Mom never even offered resources to try and help. Dad didn't say much either. He's the type of man that'll just sit there and listen and take it like the rest of us.

I take a deep breath as I stroll down the sidewalk. This was definitely what I needed. I thought. Suddenly I hear foot steps behind me. At first, I didn't think much of it. Thought maybe it was just someone headed in the same direction as me. That was until I took a turn and they turned along with me. I look over my shoulder to see some guy. Of course it had to be a guy. I start to pick up my pace, only to hear him pick up his as well. Which caused me to keep going until I broke out into a full sprint.

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