Chapter Two

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Chapter Two: Ice Bath

Elena's P.O.V:

Waking up was not something I expected. I thought I was a goner for sure. I open my eyes, blinking as many times as I needed to for my eyes to adjust. Once they did, I was in a whole other world of shock, "W-What the f-fuck...?" I was numb and freezing. My body from my neck down was submerged in an ice bath. "W-what's going o-on...?" I ask out loud, my teeth chattering from the extreme coldness. Looking down at my submerged body in the ice I could see faint redness...blood. I try to sit up in the bath, but couldn't. "What the fuck is going on...?" Suddenly I hear someone walking over. They stop in front of the bathtub. It was the masked man from earlier.

He leans down and reaches in underneath the ice, grabbing underneath my armpits before lifting me up into a sitting position. He didn't even struggle. That was when I saw more of my body. I was only in my underwear. My right side was stitched up and bleeding. He then picks me up out of the bath, holding me bridal style and carries me out of the bathroom. I look around at my surroundings. Clearly I was in a house. It wasn't a shitty looking house either. It seemed nice and well put together. Which I found to be surprising given what he's done and how he's dressed. I wouldn't be surprised if this actually wasn't his home and some poor souls he murdered.

He takes me into a bedroom and places me on the queen size bed. The bedding was replaced with a plastic tarp. I'm assuming to keep blood off of the mattress. Watching him from the bed, he grabs some first aid kit and sets it next to me. Opening it up he pulls out some wraps and bandages, "W-what are you doing...?" I ask him. He stops and looks at me, "Fixing you up." Why would he do that? After chasing me down and taking out my fucking kidney, why would he do that?

He takes a towel and dries off my torso before pressing it against my side while he gets the bandages ready. Afterwards, he removes the towel and places a big bandage on my side. Next wrapping the wrap around me, while holding me up in a sitting position. He lays me back down on the bed and tarp, "Can you move?" He asks me.

"No...I'm numb still and cold," I tell him. He grabs a blanket and throws it over my body. "Let me know when you can move again," he says, sitting down on the floor next to the bed. I lay there confused, "Why are you doing this?" I ask him after summing up enough courage to do so.

He turns to look in my direction, "I try not to kill my victims. At least not anymore," he states. He turns away from me once more, "Why is that?"

"Because I don't see the point in it. All I want is a kidney. I don't want the person dead," he explains.

I stare at him before speaking again, "Are you working for the black market or something?"

He laughs, "No. I eat the kidneys. That's the only thing I take from people. You only need one to live anyways." After hearing him say that I felt as though I was going to vomit. He fucking eats them?! He ate my kidney?! How many peoples kidneys has he eaten?!

He seemed to notice my uneasiness, "Chill out. I don't eat that many. I only eat one whenever I get hungry, which isn't often." Even with that it still didn't help. How could someone eat another persons organ and act as if it ain't that big of an issue? He's a cannibal for Christ sake!

I finally start to regain feeling in my body. Something I wished I didn't have. The pain was becoming apparent and was something I wished I didn't have to experience again. Granted this time he wasn't shoving his hand in my abdomen, it still hurts like a bitch! I groan out from the sensation, causing him to stand up and walk over to the first aid. He grabs out a bottle and returns to my side, "Here's some painkillers," he pops open the bottle and shakes two pills out for me, "Open your mouth," he instructs. I do so and he drops the pills into my mouth. He then grabs a bottle of water that had been sitting on the nightstand and pours some into my mouth for me to take the pills. I swallow them down, grateful that he gave me something to actually help with the pain, "They should kick in soon. Just hang in there until then."

I nod my head in understanding, but in reality, I wanted those painkillers to kick in immediately. I don't want to wait, "C-could you distract me until then...?" I ask him.

"Sure. What can I do?"

"U-um...I don't what's your name?"

He thinks for a moment, as if he wasn't sure if he should give me his name or not, "Eyeless Jack or EJ," he finally says, "yours?"


The man now known as EJ sits down beside me, "Why is your name Eyeless Jack...?"

"I don't have eyes."


"It's a long story."

"Pretty sure I have time to listen..."

"I'd rather not get into it," EJ tells me, "maybe some other time."

"How old are you...?" I ask changing the subject.

"Twenty, and you?"

"Seventeen going on eighteen next month..." Something about him seemed to switch the moment I told him that. Almost as if he felt uncomfortable?

"Sorry about attacking you. I thought you were older. I normally go for older people," he states. I stare at him, not knowing what to say. He's apologizing? That doesn't make sense. At least, coming from someone like him and given the circumstances.

He suddenly gets up from the bed, "I'll let you rest. I'll come check on you later," and with that, he left.

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