Chapter 3

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**A picture of Ally, the beautiful Lacey Chabert. She is a fellow Mississippian***

This can't be. He can't be my instructor. He looks so young. I am going back to the admissions office after this class and clear this up. He is way too distracting to be my professor.

"Ok just so you all know if you would like to drop this class, all of the other classes are filled for this semester and if you would like to pretty much teach yourselves you can go and sign up for it online."

Well damn. There is no way out of this class.

So now what do I do? Ignore him or just go along with the flow?

He did roll call and I was so happy that my name was at the end of the list.

"Ally Thompson?"

"Here" she said without giving him a second glance.

How could she not nice him? He was smoking hot.

He cleared his throat and that got my attention.

"Raven Venchenzo?" he looked around the class as if he didn't know where I was already.

Smooth play, but I understand because he is a professor and he did save my life this morning which was really nothing.

"Here, sir." I said raising my hand.

The guy next to me turned at look at me as if I were a piece of meat. "Raven huh? It suits you, I mean with the black hair and all."

"Uhh thanks.... I guess."

For the rest of the class he discussed the syllabus for the class and what to expect and how to reach him if we ever needed anything.

Wow an Anatomy professor. I wouldn't have never guess that in a million years. I needed a drink. Fast!

"Ok that will be all for today. Don't forget you have lab tomorrow so I will see you all then."

"Hey Ally wanna go get a drink now? I could kinda use one."

She giggled while putting her things into her bag. "Sure, we can take my car or yours."

"Maybe yours, follow me to my apartment and we can go from there ok."

"Ok cool"

As we pulled up to my apartment I needed to run inside for a minute to change.

"Hey I just wanna change really quickly ok."

"Sure no problem."

We walked up to the door and I unlocked it and stepped inside leaving the door wide open for Ally to walk in behind me.

Before I forgot I took out my phone and texted my dad. I had to let him know that my first day at school was great and that I would be over for dinner later that evening.

I went into my closet to find something cute but not too flirty to wear. It was a weekday. I wore my cute clothes on the weekends.

Thursdays down at the bar they have two for one on margaritas so I would have two and that's it.

I grabbed another pair of skinny jeans, black converse and a t shirt to match.

Better ask Ally what she thought of this. I didn't want her to think I was trying to dress exactly like her.

"Hey Ally what do you think of this..."

Where was she? I looked in the living room, kitchen and bathroom or the apartment and she wasn't there. I went to see if she had left and she was at the front door.

"Oh Ally I thought you had left. Come on in. I need your opinion about something."

She smiled curtly and stepped over the threshold.

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