13. " They're Coming!"

978 58 20

2 weeks later


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"Let the people sing...."

"You're a hater Chelle forreal" I pushed her legs off me as I got up already knowing she's going to start pouting.

She pulled her phone out calling someone as I heard the FT call connecting " hey boo how you doing?" I was already ear hustling hardtrying to hear who was finna answer back

" I'm fineeee Chelly you call me literally everyday twice a day...

"Okay but I missed you I'm gonna pick you up so we can go shopping. Okay?"

" okay leave yo boyfriend at home"

She rolled her eyes staring at her " anyways "

I came to her sliding my hands up her thighs gripping it. Whispering something softly against her inner thigh biting them making her yelp

She acting like we ain't officially official already. She mine and I'm not letting her go this time around.

" you okay Chelle?" Daisy asked through the phone

"Yea your brother bit me." I chuckled staring at her as truthful as ever I see.

I motioned for the phone " Why I can't tag along with you guys ion got friends" I poured into the camera staring at her mugging me and mumbling

" don't you got a job or something dang" she rollers her eyes and stop mid way " I'm sorry Jacy you can come with us. I miss our time together with the three of us so yea. Love you now... hand the phone back to Chelly"

I smirked cause I got my way handing it over to Starburst. Getting up from my comfortable seat in between her thighs Going to head to the shower

I don't care I was still ear hustling prolonging my way to my bedroom to hear what was up

" I thought it was a sisters day Daze" I could hear her pout she so embarrassing at her big age.

" yea but this way we spend no money and don't have to carry our bags it's a win win situation" I choked on my spit because her little sneaky ass wasn't wrong.

Whenever any of the close females in my life with me I'm paying for everything.

" smart girl. I know you have at least 40 minutes left of therapy so I'll be over just a few minutes after it's done okay?"

"Okay seashell see you soon! Love you!"

"Love you too!" They both hung up the phone as I truly started my walk towards bedroom

" ease dropping ass moving real slow to get in that shower"

I mugged her walking towards her quick as she tried to escape picking her up " why my girlfriend acting up today ?"

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