Wtf facts!

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-Your mood can alter the quality of your skin. Depression, anxiety and stress have been proven to cause acne breakouts.

1- Kissing a baby on the ear can make it go deaf.

2-Believing you've slept well, even if you haven't, improves performance.

3- There's a massive cloud full of alcohol in the center of our galaxy. It would smell like rum and taste like raspberries.

4- The more mutual friends two people share, the stronger their relationship.

5- Taking group walks in nature is associated with better mental well-being and lower stress and depression, according to a study.

6-Torturing people for information doesn't work - the extreme stress impairs the brain's ability to recall important memories.

7- Studies show that, after viewing scary movies, people feel stronger because they were able to handle it.

8-Mothers of twins have longer, healthier lives, according to a study.

9- Hurt is often mistaken for anger. 85% of the time, a person isn't mad at you but instead, disappointed.

10-People with Schizophrenia have the ability to tickle themselves.

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