Wtf facts

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• Researchers have found that people with a large network of friends outlive their counterparts by 22%.

• Africa accounts for nearly 25 percent of the languages spoken on Earth.

• More than 50% of poor teens use Facebook as their main social network, but rich teens are more likely to use Instagram, Snapchat or Twitter.

• The planet Mars has a flag.

•In the 16th century, people believed water opened the pores and allowed dangerous diseases into the body, so they never took baths. (0-o)

•Your taste in music can show how smart or dumb you are.

• Kangaroo tails are strong enough to support their bodies and can act a a fifth leg.

• Coffee improves short term memory, creativity and alertness.

•Drinking cold water actually causes your body to burn calories, as they are absorbed by the water as it warms to body temperature.

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