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1( Alarm clocks don't necessarily wake you up, they startle you causing a panic that interrupts your sleep which isn't good for your health.

2( The terms idiot, moron, and imbecile are all medical definitions for people with certain IQ ranges. Idiot ranges from 0-20, imbecile 21-50 and moron 51-70.

3( Coffee doesn't taste like it smells because our saliva wipes out 300 of the 631 chemicals that combine to form it's complex aroma.

4( It would cost $43,000 to send a single child to hogwarts for one year if the school were real.

5( According to a survey, men can listen to a make friend for ages but they can only listen to their girlfriend or spouse for 6 minutes.

6( You will burn off 200 calories if you chew gum for 18 hours, apply lip all 1500 times, or sing a song 23 times.

7( Octopuses are the only animals that move without rhythms or patterns, just random movements that propel it forward.

8( When a cat passes away in ancient Egypt, all members of its household shaved their eyebrows in mourning.

9( A French company extracts the smell of your dead loved one from their clothes and make a perfume out of it.

10( Leonardo Da Vinci loved animals so much that he would often buy caged animals to set him free.

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