Did you know? What the fudge? Facts 15!

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- Men take double the amount of selfies women do.

- "LOL" used to mean "lots of love" before the internet.

- The Firefox logo isn't actually a fox but a red panda.

- The plural, gender neutral term for "nieces and nephews" is "Niblings"

- The tooth is the only part of the human body that can't repair itself.

- We are born with 300 bones but end up with 206 bones when we're adults.

- People who stay up later at night are more likely to have nightmares.

- Statistically, your chance of being murdered is 1 in 20,000.

- If someone dies during a flight, their body is usually moved to an empty first seat class.

- People who spend more time in the sun are happier and more optimistic.

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