Document II - Scorpion

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So now that the first pawn moved into the board, how will it move? Will it eat, or be eaten?


Kenichi lands in the middle of a forest clearing, miraculously without injuring himself. "How the hell did I not get hurt? Did I not drop from way up high?" He stood up, cleaning the dust off of his uniform and looking around, scanning his surroundings.

Taro unsheathes his sword and points it at Kenichi. "Who are you?"

The Japanese boy lifts his hands quickly, as a sign of surrender. "I came in peace! I promise!" Taking a second to scan Taro's clothing, Kenichi takes a moment to think. "We both speak Japanese and he's even using traditional Japanese clothes. He even has a katana in hand... That computer software reminded me of a game. If that is true, is this a tutorial NPC or something along those lines?"

"In peace, uh?" Getting his sword back into its scabbard, Taro sighed. "Once again, who are you?"

"My name is Kenichi Sanada. If it's not too much to ask, can I ask yours as well?"

"Sanada... Yes, it's only proper etiquette I give you mine as well. I'm Tarozaemon Kitagawa. Here, let me help you up." He said, extending a hand to Kenichi, helping him up.

"Thank you. Also, double thanks on not killing me."

"I have some things to ask you, but first, let's leave this place. If the wild animals find us, it's going to be hard to protect you. Follow me, please."

"Sure..." Kenichi started following the tall man. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure this must be some sort of tutorial for an immersive game. But, why was this in my house?"


"Welcome back!" Maki waves at Taro that finally returned, but not alone. "Taro brought a guest? That's so rare of you..."

He simply laughs at the remark. "He's not what you'd consider a normal guest. Can you serve us some water? I think he'll be able to explain himself if we just sit down for a bit."

Maki nodded, letting them enter her place. A small house with a equally small table, some chairs, counters and two wardrobes, all in wood. Two beds occupied the corner of the house. There was also a back door that lead to a garden.

Tarozaemon was the first to sit down, inviting Kenichi to do the same, while Maki serve them all some cups of water. After that, she sits down with them.

Kenichi then explains them his situation. His mother's disappearance, how he found a secret area behind an unassuming bookshelf and how he used a computer software to reach the clearing where he was found.

"'Computer'? 'Software'? Strange words I never heard about..." Tarozaemon reflected on the subject at hand. "Maki, what do you think of all this?"

"The thing that caught my attention was not even the weird words, but the person he spoke of."

"You know my mother?!" Kenichi jumped out of his chair, surprised. Not only was he nowhere on Earth, but these people claimed to know his mother. Was this some sort of clue? He had to dig deeper.

"Not personally." The cat girl replied. "Feliticia Sanada is the name of the Royal City founder for the one north from here."

"Royal City?"

"In this world, Tvaryn, there's various Royal Cities. Feliticia is one of them. That Royal City was founded more or less three centuries ago, so unless you people live that long, our Feliticia Sanadas can't be the same."

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