Document VI - The Royal City of Feliticia

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An armored figure walks the shadowed halls of some stone building. As the torches light their almost black, purple armor, the figure looks to a person that approaches them.

"My liege." The new cloaked figure kneels. "Here to report the latest developments."

"Speak." The armored figure said, with a deep and calm voice.

"Comrade Ihote is near the Royal City, ready to conquer it. We are also pretty sure the first Rune is there."

"A Rune? Interesting. Would never guess that one would be in Feliticia of all places. Almost like it's out in the open."

"Should I order Ihote to attack as soon as he gets there?"

"Aren't you getting ahead of yourself, scum?"

"Sorry, my liege." The subordinate bows their head.

"Shouldn't you go back? People will start suspecting you if you take that long to return. I thought you had some plan of yours."

The figure chuckles. "Of course, my liege. I'll be returning then." The figure stands up, turning his back to his master. "As soon as I get there, I'll try and contact you with updates, if I have any."

The armored man nodded and continued on his way.


A red haired girl sets her scarlet eyes on the sky, looking at the clouds. Wearing a single ragged up white cloth, she seems deep into thought, sitting on the edge of a cliff. "Sa... na... da." She mouths the syllables of a surname that seems long lost to her, yet so close to the heart.


As Kenichi, Maki and Tarozaemon gallop away, they finally leave the premises of the camp, entering the good old lawless Outlands.

The mercenaries follow suit with Hetza leading them towards the trio. "Taro!" She screams from the distance.

"This girl never knew when to quit." He said, looking back at her. "Guess some things never change."

"We'll be outnumbered if we try to fight them." Kenichi asked. "What do we do now, Kitagawa?"

At a cliff near there, a figure watched this happening. A tall man with long black hair, red eyes and black bandages covering his mouth. "So you've finally arrived, uh?" He simply leaps away.


In a bustling Edo Period looking city, a young boy, prolly in his teens, is walking around town. Messy dark brown hair and purple eyes, wearing an open slim fur coat that showed his arms and abs and slim dark pants. On his feet, nothing but a simple pair of dark sandals. In the straw basket he's carrying, there lies some weird looking fruit, still wet from when he washed them.

Someone waves at the boy from afar. "Bernardus! You're already up, boy?" An old man says, approaching the boy with a warm smile.

"Yeah! The Queen asked for me, so I was thinking of buying her something before visiting, so I got her some fruit."

The old man laughs. "It's impressive how much the Queen depends on you when the Royal Knights are away. But I must agree with her on that, you are indeed a very dependable young lad."

"Nah! I'm not that dependable, unfortunately!" He laughs. "Well, I'll be going now, Yoji. Take care of yourself, okay?"

"Okay, okay, don't worry about an old skeleton of a tiger such as myself." The old man smiles and waves at the young boy, as he slowly leaves towards a castle in the center of the city.

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