When you get hurt (Yandere Douma)

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WARNING: Mentions of blood, injuries, and death

Oh boy- the fact that you already managed to catch his attention!! You’re ready pampered and taken care of! Douma has made sure of it!

You are his flower! His sweet precious darling! He would NEVER let anyone hurt you!! It took so long to break you, he found your fighting amusing at first. But then it got boring

But imagine his happiness when you finally gave into him!!

Now you’re doing EVERYTHING he says and he couldn’t be more excited for your future together!

The person who hurt you was probably a jealous cult member. I mean they were obviously jealous, Douma demanded that they wait on you hand and foot!

Why should you get special treatment?! What did you do that was s o o o o special in Lord Douma’s eyes?!

You were probably walking, minding your own business, or even trying to find Douma.

You didn’t even notice when you were suddenly tackled.

You attempted to push the person off, but your elegant robes that Douma dressed you in were no help.

You ended up being cut and stabbed with a piece of glass quite a few times before you had the thought to call Douma.

Once he heard your sweet voice, calling his name! But- But in such distress as well! He had to go!

Once he saw the scene before him, his colorful eyes went wide in shock.

Before they were filled with anger.

He hated how he could smell your sweet blood, one that you so often allowed him a few sips.

How dare they hurt you!? And how dare they waste such sweet and pure blood!? You were so sweet and kind! He just couldn’t understand why!!

Once he managed to grab them off you with ease, he made sure they were… Taken care of.

He has new decorating items to say the least.

Once he got back to you, he took you into his arms.

And he carried you to your room, giving you a light scolding.

He tends to your wounds and such.

You aren’t allowed to leave your room anymore, only when he’s with you! He didn’t want another incident like that again!

No matter your whines and protests, he wouldn’t let you. Not with him at least.

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