Chapter 2

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Aizawa showed kimiko her new room and where everything was in the apartment. Shinsou heard aizawa came back and went to see what was going on and said dad what's going on. Aizawa saw his other child and said shinsou meet kimiko, she is your sister now. Shinsou said I met her at the sports festival dad. Aizawa said oh yea I forgot, well me and mic adopted her because she was abused for years. Shinsou shakes his head and said someone who abuses others shouldn't have kids. Aizawa nods and said I agree, oh and only way you can get in the hero course is if someone is expelled shinsou. Shinsou nods and said I figured that much. Aizawa said go ahead and get settled, we will be here if you need anything. Kimiko nods and went to unpack.

As kimiko started to unpack, she decided to facetime bakugo. Bakugo saw the facetime from kimiko and answered it and said hey babe how are you doing. Kimiko said a bit better then earlier, I got all my stuff from there but I nearly felt a panic attack coming on but luckily aizawa was with me. Bakugo said im just glad you are out of that hell hole now. Kimiko nods and said me too. Bakugo pouts and said it feels empty not having with me. Kimiko chuckles and said soon as we move to the dorms you will babe. Bakugo said that will be a bit though. Kimiko said you will survive babe, we will still talk every night. Bakugo said okay babe. Kimiko said I better get unpacked before you distract me babe, I'll call you at bedtime. Bakugo smiles and said okay babe I love you. Kimiko said love you too babe and got off the face time and finished unpacking.

A couple of hours passed and aizawa called kimiko and shinsou for dinner. Kimiko sat down and started eating. Shinsou was eating and looks at kimiko and said who were you talking too. Kimiko said oh you heard it, my boyfriend bakugo. Shinsou said the one who always seems to be angry.
Kimiko chuckles and said yes but he has a soft side but only around me. Shinsou snickers and said oH really. Kimiko glares playfully at him and said I swear if you tell him I said that, I'll get you. Shinsou laughs and said I'll think about it.

A week has passed and the dorms were ready for the students to move into. Kimiko stood outside the dorm building with aizawa as they waited for the others. Bakugo got to the dorm building and saw kimiko and ran to her and hugged her. Kimiko felt herself get hugged and saw her boyfriend and said luckily the stitches dissolved already babe. Bakugo chuckles and said oops babe, does it hurt. Kimiko said nope its healed now. Bakugo smiles and said good babe. The others arrived and aizawa told everyone a bout the dorms.

They all went inside and went to find their rooms. Bakugo held kimiko close and said seems aizawa put you next to mine. Kimiko said he did that in case I need to be calmed down from a panic attack. Bakugo nods and said I know. Kimiko went into her room as bakugo followed her in and kissed her. Kimiko kissed him back and wrapped her arms around him. Bakugo kissed her more holding her close. Kimiko said mhm babe I need to take a shower. Bakugo reluctantly let kimiko go and said okay babe.

Kimiko went to the bathroom with her stuff to take a shower. As she was in the shower, mineta thought it would be funny to sneak in and try to sneak a peek. Kimiko was unwinding from everything she had to deal with this past two weeks and finished her shower and stepped out. Mineta stayed hidden and watched her. Kimiko was about to get dressed when mineta tried to touch kimiko. Kimiko turned and saw him move toward him and moved out of his way but started to feel a pain in her chest as a flashback started. Mineta grumbles and backs up. Kimiko couldn't breathe as she fumbled to touch her bracelet.

Bakugo saw his bracelet up and knew that kimiko was having a panic attack and ran to the bathroom. Del saw kacchan running and followed him as did some of the girls. Bakugo went inside and saw kimiko and went to her and started rubbing her back and looked at the others and said someone get aizawa. Momo nods and called Mr. Aizawa. Aizawa heard his phone and answered and said hello. Momo said mr. Aizawa you need to come to the dorms, something is wrong with kimiko. Aizawa said im on my way.

Aizawa and mic and shinsou got to the dorms and went to find them. Bakugo continued to rub small circles on kimikos back. Momo lead them to the bathroom and went inside. Aizawa said what happened. Kimiko finally started to calm down and looked up and said I was showering and he tried to touch me, thats when the flashback started, I touched my bracelet which alerted bakugo. Aizawa glares at mineta and said you are going to the principal. Mineta said no please no. Aizawa said do you feel like staying here or going to the apartment. Kimiko said I want to stay here. Aizawa said okay shinsou can stay if you want. Kimiko nods and said okay. Bakugo said I'll stay with you all night babe.

Aizawa took mineta to the principals office and knocks on the door. Principal nezu said come in. Aizawa walks in with mineta and said sorry to bother you but we have a problem. Nezu said what's the problem. Aizawa said he tried to touch kimiko while she was showering which caused her to have a flashback and trigger her ptsd and have a panic attack. Nezu said oh my is she alright. Aizawa said shes alright because bakugo was there to calm her down. Nezu said good, mineta we have had many complaints about your behavior so im sorry but you are expelled from UA. Mineta said no my mom would kill me. Nezu said im sorry but enough is enough please leave. Mineta left the school and went home. Nezu said do you have some that could take his spot in your class. Aizawa nods and said I do. Nezu said okay thank you for bringing this to my attention. Aizawa nods and said anytime and Went back to the dorms.

Bakugo and shinsou took kimiko to the common area to watch a movie. Kimiko laid down with her head on bakugo and her feet on shinsou as they watched the movie. Aizawa saw them watching a movie and said mineta was expelled. Bakugo said good, i think he was a creep really. Aizawa looks at shinsou and said so this means you get to be in the hero course and in my class. Shinsou said cool. Aizawa said I'm going back home see you later. Shinsou nodded and went back to the movie.

Kimiko fell asleep about half way through the movie. Bakugo saw that she was asleep and said I should take her to her room. Shinsou nodded and said yea as he pulled kimiko up gently so bakugo could get up. Bakugo got up and picked kimiko up and took her to her room. Shinsou follows them to his sisters room. Bakugo laid kimiko down and said I don't know if there are extra blankets or anything. Shinsou said I came with some blankets, when I heard of what was happening I prepared. Bakugo nods and laid next to her. Shinsou made a makeshift bed on the floor and laid down. They both fell asleep.

Future HerosOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora