chapter 4

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The next day, kimikos and bakugo went to class and sat down in their seats. Kimiko looked at her boyfriend and said its almost the weekend, what's on the agenda babe. Bakugo said my parents want my help with something I think so I got to talk to aizawa about leaving campus. Kimikos pouts and said awww okay babe. Aizawa walks in and said kimiko bakugo after class I need to talk to you two. Kimikos nods and said alright. Bakugo nods as well and said alright Mr. Aizawa.

Class ended and kimiko and bakugo stated while the others left. Aizawa stood in front of them and said so I talked to the detective about the arrest of your ex parents kimiko. Kimiko looked at her dad and said yea what happened. Aizawa said when he got there, they were gone but their stuff was still there so he thinks they could have been in contact with the league. Kimiko said what do they plan to do. Aizawa said I don't know, so if you want to go off Campus, I would like you not to go alone, either be with bakugo or myself or mic or shinsou, in case they try to target you. Kimiko nods and said alright dad. Aizawa said now bakugo I know you asked to leave campus for the weekend. Bakugo nods and said yea my parents need my help for something. Aizawa said its approved. Bakugo said thank you Mr. Aizawa. Aizawa said you gonna come home for the weekend kimi. Kimiko nods and said probably will. Aizawa said alright go to class you two.

They went to their next class and sat down and listened to the teacher. Kimiko sat there thinking of the conversation with her dad and sighed. at lunch, kimiko and bakugo sat with the squad as Mina asked what aizawa wanted. Kimiko said oh it was just about my ex parents and if I wanted to leave campus, I had to be with bakugo or aizawa or mic or shinsou. Mina said oh I see.

The end of day came and kimiko was waiting with bakugo for his parents to come pick him up. Bakugo held her close and said its only the weekend, we will do something fun when I get back. Kimiko said you better babe. Mitsuki pulled up and waved and said ready to go katsuki. Bakugo said ready mom and kissed kimiko and got in the car.

Kimiko walked back to the dorms and went to her room. Mina knocked on kimikos door. Kimiko opened the door and said oh hey mina whats up. Mina said want to hang out. Kimiko said I can for a bit then I'm gonna go home for the weekend. Mina said alright let's go. after a while of hanging with the squad, kimiko got up and said I better get home, I told dad I was coming home for the weekend. Mina said see you sunday night. Kimiko left the dorms as shinsou was leaving too and said you going home to bro. Shinsou said yea izuku got permission to leave campus so I'll go home, what about you. Kimiko chuckles and said same here, bakugos parents needed his help so he went home for the weekend.

Kimiko and shinsou walked into the apartment as aizawa saw them come in. Kimiko sst down on the couch as shinsou sat down too. Aizawa drank his coffee as mic came into the apartment. They all just sat and talked for awhile. Kimiko went to her room for the night and laid on her bed.

The weekend flew by and Sunday night came and kimiko went back to the dorms. Bakugo got back to the dorms after helping his parents and went to look for kimiko. Mina saw bakugo come in and said hey bakugo. Bakugo said hey mina seen kimiko. Mina said she just got back to the dorms and went to her room.

Bakugo went to kimikos room and knocked on the door. Kimiko opened her door and smiled as she saw her boyfriend and pulled him into the room. bakugo chuckles and said well hello to you too babe. Kimiko smiled and said it was a long weekend without you. Bakugo held her close and said I know babe. Kimiko pulled bakugo to her bed and laid down with him.

The next day, kimiko and bakugo walked to their classroom. Mina was already in the classroom as kimiko and bakugo walked in and said hey kimi. Kimiko said hey mina. Mina said I want to go to the mall after school, you in. Kimiko said I don't know, I can't leave campus unless bakugo or shinsou or my dads are with me. Mina said oh I see. Kimiko chuckles and said you have to convince bakugo to go then maybe I can go.

Mina looks at bakugo and said come on bakugo, lets have fun. bakugo frowns and said how would it be fun for me. Mina pouts and said come on, I want kimi to come but you have to be there. Bakugo groans and said fine but I'm doing it for kimiko. Mina smiles and said sweet, I'll talk to aizawa. Kimiko giggles and puts her arms around bakugo.

Just then, aizaws walks into the classroom and said talk to me about what. Mina said I want to go to the mall after school and want kimiko to go, I convinced Bakugo to go with us just need permission. aizawa thought for a moment and said if you can convince shinsou to go as well then I'll give permission. Mina cheered and said you got it.

Shinsou walked into class with deku as Mina saw them come in and said hey shinsou Want to come to the mall with us. Shinsou looks at her and said I don't know. Mina said oh come on its the only way we can go. Shinsou sighed and said fine but I'm dragging demi with me. Deku chuckles and pulled shinsou close to him. Mina cheered again and said yay mall time after school. Kimiko chuckles and said she's very persuasive. Bakugo nods and sat down. The rest of the class sat down.

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