Chapter 3

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The next day, kimiko woke up and saw her boyfriend next to her and her brother on the floor. Bakugo felt kimiko stirring and opened his eyes and said morning babe. Kimiko smiles and said morning babe, did I fall asleep during the movie. Bakugo said you did but I figured it was to be expected with what you had to deal with last night. Kimiko said I hope he got expelled. Bakugo said he did, aizawa told us. Kimiko said good. Shinsou woke up and said are you okay now sis. Kimiko nods and said I feel better now. Shinsou said good. Bakugo smiles and holds kimiko close.

They all got up and left kimikos room as shinsou said hey bakugo I heard you had a soft side. Kimiko walked forward in front of them a bit fast. Bakugo chased after kimiko as kimiko started to run and said no babe. Bakugo caught kimiko in his arms and said you in trouble babe. Kimiko giggles and said babe not fault, I told him not to say anything. Bakugo said still in trouble babe and he takes her back to his room. Kimiko glares at her brother and said gonna get you bro. Shinsou snickers and said uh huh sis.

Bakugo throws kimiko on his bed and pins her down. Kimiko smirks and said kinky babe. Bakugo chuckles and said dont be telling anyone about the soft side, thats only for you. Kimiko looks up at him and said alright babe. Bakugo kisses her deeply and said you should tell the others about being adopted. Kimiko nods and said I know, I will. Bakugo nods as he got up and said you need something to eat. Kimiko nods as she got up. They went to the kitchen as bakugo started to make something to eat. Shinsou was sitting on the couch. Kimiko said I'll be back babe. Bakugo nods and said okay. Kimiko went into the common area and saw her brother and smacked his head and said thats for not keeping it a secret. Shinsou chuckles and said it was fun. Deku came into common area and sat next to shinsou and said hey babe. Shinsou pulled deku close and said hey babe. Kimiko said ill leave you two alone, bakugo should be done cooking.

Kimiko went back to the kitchen and saw bakugo done cooking and said smells good babe. Bakugo smirks and said let's eat. Kimiko smiles and started eating. Bakugo said how are you gonna tell the others babe. Kimiko said I don't know. Just then shinsou and deku came into the kitchen. Kimiko saw them and said getting hungry too. Shinsou chuckles and said yes. Kimiko smiled and said hey deku how long have you been seeing shinsou. Deku said a few weeks. Shinsou grumbles and whispered noisy sis. Kimiko said I heard that and another pay back for not keeping your mouth shut about the secret. Deku looks confused and said im lost. Kimiko said shinsou is now my brother deku because aizawa and mic adopted me because of the abuse. Deku said oh thats cool. Kimiko nods and said yea.

Kimiko finished eating and looks over at her boyfriend and said what do you want to do babe. Bakugo smiles and said how about we just relax babe. Kimiko nods and said sounds good babe. Shinsou grabbed dekus hand and went to his new room in the dorms. Kimiko grabbed bakugos hand and went to the common area and sat on the couch.

The others came into the common area and saw them and sat down with them. Kimiko saw the others and said hey guys I want to tell you something. Mina said what is it. Kimiko said well my parents abused me for years so Mr. Aizawa and mic adopted me to get me away from them. Mina said oh wow. Kirishima looks shocked and said why would parents abuse their children. Kimiko shrugged and said I don't know. Mina said well at least you got people who care to adopt you and your friends. Kimiko nodded and said yep and my boyfriend.

Meanwhile, shigaraki decided to visit Lillian and kurt and said you were supposed to take the idea of hero away from your daughter. Lillian glared and said we tried but she wouldn't listen. Shigaraki said we can use her quirk if we can convince her. Lillian said you can try but I doubt it will work. Shigaraki said I heard your gonna be arrested, come with me. Lillian thought for a moment and said alright fine. Shigaraki took them back to the hideout.

Detective tsukauchi went to go arrest kimikos ex parents and knocked on the door. Tsukauchi opened the door when he didnt get a answer and saw no one there and left and called aizawa. Aizawa answered and said hello. Tsukauchi said aizawa its tsukauchi, I figured inlet you know about the arrest of kimikos ex parents. Aizawa said what happened. Tsukauchi said well I went to go arrest them and they weren't there. Aizawa said where did they go. Tsukauchi said I don't know, all their stuff is still here, so makes me wonder if they were in contact with the league of villians. Aizawa said that could be possible, I'll make sure kimiko doesn't go anywhere without anyone just in case. Tsukauchi said thats a good idea just in case they try to target her. Aizawa said thank you for letting me know. Tsukauchi said no problem and hung up.

Aizawa sighed as he sat in the teachers lounge as mic came in and said what's wrong sho. Aizawa looks at his husband and said Kimikos ex parents are gone and tsukauchi thinks they could be in contact with the league, he went to arrest them and they weren't there but all their stuff was. Mic said are you gonna tell kimikos. Aizawa said yea and Baku go. Mic nods and said that's a good idea. They went back to the apartment.

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