Chapter 8

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Aizawa had gathered some pros to help them and was waiting at the warehouse. Tsukauchi showed up at the warehouse and went over to Aizawa. Aizawa saw tsukauchi and said ready to bring them in finally. Tsukauchi nods and said yes I am ready. Aizawa got the pros he brought with him in position and waits for tsukauchi.

Aizawa and tsukauchi broke down the door to the warehouse and said hands up. Lillian and Kurt turned and put their hands up and said what the hell. Aizawa said expecting someone else. Lillian glares and said I figured kimiko would show up since we have her husband. Aizawa said she knows bakugo would be mad if something happened to their unborn child.

Tsukauchi put the cuffs on lillian and kurt and said finally facing the justice you deserve. Lillian said you really think we are acting alone, we have friends and if we fail, they will deal with  kimiko. Aizawa said what do you have planned. Lillian smirks and said that's for us to know and you to find out.

Meanwhile, back at the apartment, kimiko was hiding cause her brother told her to hide. Shinsou was fighting with someone who broke in and said you stay away from my sister. The guy said we have a job to do and you can't stop us. Shinsou tried to use his quirk but the guy grabbed him and said girl you better come out now or your brother will die.

Kimiko came out from her hiding spot and said leave my brother alone. The guy smirks holding shinsou and said why should I. Kimiko said what do you want. The guy said to bring you to your parents. Kimiko looks at him and said they aren't my parents. The guy said either you come with me now or your brother dies. Kimiko said let him go now and I'll come with you.

Shinsou struggled against the guys grip and said no sis. Kimiko looks at her brother and said if I can keep you safe then I will. The guy smirks and said smart choice girl. Kimiko glares at him and said let my brother go or no deal. The guy let shinsou go and grabbed kimiko and left the apartment.

Aizawa untied bakugo from the chair as tsukauchi put lillian and kurt in the car as his phone rang and answered shinsou what's wrong. Shinsou said some guy came and took kimiko. Aizawa said son of a bitch, what happened. Shinsou said he threatened To kill me if she didn't come out of hiding and when she did she told him to let me go and she would go with him. Aizawa said shit did she have any jewelry on. Shinsou said her bracelet that bakugo gave her.

Aizawa looks at bakugo and said didnt you make that bracelet special. Katsuki said yea why what's going on. Aizawa said someone took kimiko and we need to find her. Katsuki growls and said the bracelet has a tracker in it and its linked to my phone. Aizawa said shinsou  we will find your sister just stay there okay. Shinsou said okay dad be careful. Aizawa said we will son don't worry as he hung up the phone.

Meanwhile at another warehouse, the guy throw kimiko down. Kimiko held herr stomach protecting it from impact. The guy said we need to get those two from the cops. Another guy said that will be tricky. Kimiko laid there feeling her stress level go up with worry of her and her child's safety.

Katsuki took his phone out and brought the location from the bracelet up and said a warehouse not to far from here actually. Aizawa said good at least its not far, we better hurry, I have a feeling her stress level may go up now. Katsuki nods and said thats what I'm worried about.

Aizawa and katsuki left and went to kimikos location. The guy was standing over kimiko and said have an idea yet. The other guy said no not yet. Kimiko held her stomach as she felt pain through it. The guy sighs and said well we need to think of something.

Katsuki and Aizawa snuck into the building and looked for where kimiko was and saw her. Katsuki whispered her stress level is high, I can tell by the way shes holding her stomach. Aizawa nods and snuck out from where they were and used his capture weapon and wrapped up the two guys. Katsuki went to kimiko and picked her up. Kimiko saw her husband and smiled weakly. Aizawa said take her to the hospital and I'll deal with these two. Katsuki nods and left and went to the hospital.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2022 ⏰

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