Chapter 7

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Kimiko and shinsou got to their apartment as kimiko unlocks the door and went inside. Shinsou walks Inside the apartment and sat down on the couch. Kimiko went and started the kettle for some tea. Shinsou sat back on the couch and said sis you okay. Kimiko waited for the kettle to blow and said not really, just wondering why all of a sudden they try to bother me. Shinsou gets up and goes over to his sister and said dont let it bother you or you will get stressed and possibly lose the baby. Kimiko nods as she fixed her tea and said yea I know bro.

Three months have passed since kimiko first heard from her ex parents and she was sitting on the couch with her brother rubbing her stomach. Shinsou watches her and said how much longer until the babys born. Kimiko said if she doesn't come early, three more months. Shinsou said have you two thought of a name. Kimiko shook her head and said no Kat been really busy with work lately because of my ex parents contacting me.

Shinsou said speaking of Kat, shouldn't he be home by now, he said he be home at 3 and its 5. Kimiko said yea your right, wasn't him and Deku together or separate patrols. Shinsou said seperate patrols today. Kimiko said I'll call the agency. Shinsou said maybe thats a good idea. Kimiko called the agency and waited for a answer.

Kira answered the phone and said wonderduo agency Kira speaking. Kimiko said hey kira its kimiko have you seen or heard from my husband today, he was supposed to be home at 3 and its 5 and he's not here. Kira said not since this morning kimi, Im sure he's fine. Kimiko sighs and said I know he can handle himself, its my ex birthday parents im worried about. Kira said just calm down, its not good for the baby. Kimiko said I'll try to calm down as she ended the call. Shinsou said what did the agency say. Kimiko said he hasn't been seen there yet. Shinsou sighs and said I'm worried.

Meanwhile, lillian and kurt was in a warehouse with a tied up katsuki sitting on the chair. Kurt said you sure this is gonna work. Lillian said it will work, hes her husband and with a little incentive, she will come. Katsuki glares at them and said don't you touch my wife or I'll kill you. Lillian smirks and said you will be used to get her here. Katsuki growls and said you pit my wife in stressed mode then I will kill you. Lillian calls kimiko and waits for the answer.

Kimiko saw her phone go off and answered and said what do you want. Lillian said we have your precious husband, if you want him back come alone to the address I give you. Kimiko felt the baby kick her hard and huffs and then said surprised you managed to get the jump on him really, he should have blasted you to hell. Lillian scoffs and said well we did and you will come if you want him back. Kimiko held her stomach as the baby kicked her more and said you really love pissing a angry pregnant woman off don't you, do yourself a favor and turn yourself in. Lillian said why should I when I can get you to come.

Kimiko grunts as the baby kicked her more and said you really think I don't know your plan, not gonna happen. Lillian said if you don't come then I'll kill him. Kimiko laughs through the pain and said good luck with that and hung up the phone.

Shinsou looks at his sister and said sis are you okay. Kimiko held her stomach and said the baby's kicking me hard, she's such a daddy's girl already, call dad and get him to go to the address as she texts the address to her brother.  Shinsou nods and calls dad. Aizawa answered and said shinsou what's wrong. Shinsou said kimikos ex parents kidnapped bakugo, I'll send you the address, they want kimiko to go but she's not able to move cause the baby's kicking her. Aizawa said I'll get tsukauchi. Shinsou hangs up and sends the address to his dad.

Aizawa saw the address and called tsukauchi. Tsukauchi answered and said Aizawa everything okay. Aizawa said kimikos ex parents kidnapped bakugo, we need to go now. Tsukauchi said I'll meet you at the address. Aizawa nods and hangs up and send tsukauchi the address and gathers some pros.

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