Chapter 1

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/Ruth's P.O.V/

Location: L.A, California

Time: Present

The stars twinkled and the moon shined brightly. The lanterns floating in the sky contrasted against the dark sky, setting the perfect ambience for her thoughts. It was the festival of lights again, and everyone in town were lighting candles and lanterns. Everyone was outside making memories with their loved ones and having fun. There were stalls set up by the road side selling delicious delicacies.

Everyone, that is, except Maria.

"Ahhhhh! That's too dramatic!" I said as I furiously crumpled the piece of paper I was righting on and attempted to throw it in the bin.

Well, I attempted to throw it in. Whether it went in or not shouldn't bother you.

Okay, it didn't go in... and neither did the last fifty crumpled pieces of papers I tried throwing in there.

Why is writing a story so difficult anyway?

I'm Ruth Jacob.I live in California and love it here. I'm a fifteen year old who is currently trying to write a book. Writing has always been a hobby of mine and people say I have a talent in story telling.

I disagree-

Okay, so maybe I top my english classes in essays and compositions...

(that was totally not a subtle flex)

....but that's because my classmates can't write an essay to save a life!


Maybe I am talented but have self-confidence the size of my brain cells.

"Persist Ruth and don't give up." My dad's voice echoed through my head.

And because I'm an amazing and obediant daughter, I started writing again.

In a town far away in a place no one knows the existance of, a girl sat by the window in her house. Her name was Maria Chand. She stared at the twinkling stars and the shining moon that contrasted against the dark, night sky. The lanterns in the sky floated past her window setting the perfect ambience for her thoughts. It was the festival of lights again, and everyone in town excpet for Maria seemed to be having a great time. People decorated their house with candles and lights, ate delicasies and made memories.

I put down her pencil and and glanced out of my window. It was drizzling and the sky was cloudy. My room is on the topmost floor in the house, so I can see Ms. Klocker, my neighbour's attic. The light in the attic is switched on which means she's probably looking at pictures of her deceased husband.

Yes, her name is actually Ms. Klocker. I mean, it's a name you don't see everyday. But, hey! I don't judge people by their names....


Okay, I lied.

I mean, I don't judge people by their names-

But names play a huge role in first impressions!

I mean, if someone named Volterpoof Barrah Montest from your netiquettes club introduced themselves to you even you would be temporarily shook. Even if only for a few seconds.



I pushed my glasses up my nose and continued writing.

Everyone around Maria is having fun together with family and friends. But somehow, Maria just didn't feel right. When her mother asked her if she wanted to join the rest of their family for dinner at their uncle's house, she politely declined saying she had a stomach ache. But now her stomach craved the pot roast, she knew her uncle prepared for the occasion.

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