Chapter 6

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/Ruth's P.O.V/

Location: Banglore, India

Time: Three years ago

It's been a good couple of days..

Going to school, teasing Amara, coming home, practicing basketball, going to sleep. Repeat.

That's all I've been doing..

It's been about two days since the whole Shrish-note thingie happened.

Today was just like any good Wednesday..

I woke up before my alarm, aced a test in school, watched Amara try not to blush when I teased her about a certain someone and rehersals for the theatre festival went well.

One would think it was a great day, right?


The moment I saw two extra pairs of shoes on the veranda, I knew it was downhill from here. Extra shoes means guests. Guests means socializing. Socializing means awkward conversations.

So essentially, extra shoes is just an immeadiate mood killer.

Don't get me wrong,

I don't hate socializing and talking to fellow human beings..

It's just that I'd rather not.

But here's the issue..

I'm a very nice person.


Lemme explain..

Let's  imagine that I'm in a family event with all my relatives. Cousins, aunts, uncles, old people I didn't know existed, you name it, they're all here. We're all in a room. It's the wedding of one of my second cousins. Staying true to Indian culture, there are about one thousand people here. 

You know what? 

Scratch that.

It's the reception party after the wedding. There are about a thousand people here and everyone is eating dinner right now. Obviously, I'm with my brother.


Because my mother is the most extroverted a human can get. I'm not even kidding, she could make a lively conversation with a wall if she tried.

My father? He's more of an introvert but forces himself to talk to others. He says it's great to catch up with other members of our family that we aren't that closely related to. He practices what he preaches. Even if it means talking to some person he's never seen before in his lives. 

My sister? She hangs around with my mother. She can talk, smile, crack jokes and all those small things that makes conversations entertaining.

Aaron is whom I follow around in situations like this. He can talk for five minutes, then runs out of things to talk about. After that it's just awkward for both me and him and the person we were talking to.

So he does talk to others, but not too much.


If I see a kid about my age standing around and catch them looking at me, I smile and turn away. But if I see the kid is bored and looks lonely. Then I put my awkwardness aside and talk to them.

Trust me, making conversations with kids younger than me is a breeze. That's only  because they're so grateful to me because I saved them from they're boredem that they keep talking. I just have to nod, smile and ask an occasional question.

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