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Hi everyone. Its been some very long years. These stories were from when I was just 13 years old. And let's be honest, not my best work (in my opinion). I am now 19 years old and am entering college. I always get inspired with new chapters for these stories and different ways I can improve them. I would love to keep updating my stories and continue them, I've had whole series and even original stories planned.

 I've realized that I'm not lacking motivation, I just hate wattpad. It has changed very much since I've first started on this platform and not in a good way. So, I've come to a decision. 

This decision was very hard to make but I believe it is a good one. I will be moving all my works to Archive of Our Own. My account there is PrinceLilah and that will never change. At the end of the year, I will be deleting all my stories off of wattpad. This will be a good beginning for my stories and help with me being able to communicate with you all better. 

Thank you for allowing me to write for all you beautiful people. I won't be deleting my account so if anyone ever wants to chat, my inbox is open. 

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