Threw with You.

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Starscream was walking through the halls of the Nemises. Then he heard Megatron call for him. He made it to the main deck. There stood Megatron. "Lord? What is it you wish?" Asked Starscream.
"Starscream... You lost all our men out there. They are dead because of YOU!" Megatron began raising his voice. "M-My Lord! It wasn't my fault! It was a mistake!" Starscream said in fear. "You lost more of our men then I can count!" Megatron yelled. Megatron stormed over to Starscream. Starscream backed up. Megatron picked him up by the neck. And started squeezing him. While telling the story that made Starscream beg for him to Kill him. "Once there was a seeker. Who was loyel to Lord Megatron. But the Lord went into a comma. And be was left in charge. But everything fell apart. All that little seeker wanted was to have respect." Megatron stopped for a moment. Looking at the tariffied and Guilty Con. Smiling at the sight. He leaned in close to Starscream's ear.
"All. Hail Starscream." Megatron wisperd.
Starscream felt like his spark was aching. Hurting, Falling apart. Starscream felt worthless, Nothing. Megatron then began to hurt him more.
Repeating the same fraze over and over again.

(Timeskip to after the punishment)

Starscream felt his hole body ache. Megatron wisperd one last time.
"All hail Starscream." Megatron wisperd one last time. Megatron left the hurting Con. On the ground. Ready for death.
Starscream wanted nothing more...
Then to have people's respect. Starscream felt the tears. He cried on the floor. Not wanting to get up. Then that was when he finally snapped. He was done was this. Done with the War, Done with the Decipdicons, Don with Megatron. He got up from the ground. And began walking towards the entrance. He took one last look at the Nemises. Then transformed into his jet. And took off. Not looking back.

He was flying for a while. Not knowing where he was going. But he didn't care. Then he came across land. He landed in the woods. Transforming back. Then there was a cave. He decided to take it. He stayed there until Day break.

"For the first time in his life
He felt Free."

Yay first chapter of the new story done
Do leave a comment. Do be nice though.
And as we say here.
"May the Primes watch over you!"

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