When eyes meet part two.

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Blades and Starscream's eyes met... Red met yellow and orange.
Blades yelled while waving
Starscream stared at him, in shock that the small helicopter waved and yelled hello.
Starscream was silent. Still in shock.
Blades stared at him then walked towards him.
Starscream backed away.
"It's okay. I won't hurt you" Blades said in a reassuring way.
Starscream only stared at him. Wondering why this helicopter was talking to him.
Blades looked down. Then he lifted his head back up and smiled
Starscream couldn't help but smile too.
He had never been treated like this. While the other Deceptions treated him poorly. This helicopter treated him with respect and kindness.
"I'm Blades. What's yours?"
The helicopter spoke
Starscream stared at him for a moment. Then spoke "I'm Starscream"
Blades smile only brightened
"It's very nice to meet you Starscream!"
Blades said in a cheerful voice.
Then Blades held his servo out for a handshake.
Starscream stared at his servo for a bit. Then took it, shacking it.
"Hey.... Wanna come back to my place? It's much more nicer there than out here" Blades asked.
Starscream thought for a moment. Then was reminded of the burdens that Megatron inflected on him. Blaming him for all his faults. But what other choice did he have? He had nowhere to go.
"Yes.... That would be nice.... Thank you."
Starscream said.
Blades smiled then took Starscream's servo. And started running towerds the bright lights of Griffin Rock.
Starscream stared at his servo. Intertwined with the helicopters.
Starscream couldn't help but blush a bit.
"Here you will be safe! And you can help people! But be careful out here"
Blades said.
Starscream nodded.
"Little did they know their lives would forever be different"

Thank you for reading the next chapter! I'm sorry again for not posting a lot. But I'll try and post as much as I can it's just a lot of things going on. But It's "May the Fourth!" So you know what that means! It's Star Wars day! So have a great time and May the Primes watch over you!

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