Parlous Wave

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Hearing those risky wave
There's so many dusk cave
Wandering how to make myself save
Every step of the sand feels like pave

Every step of the soft white sand there's pain buried under
The only thing is not forbidden is summer
Where we can all enjoy the warm weather
Most people come near the ocean to swim and play along the water
But most of the time I'm wishing to be here whenever I feel lost and start to wander

Aiming the healing
Sniffing the spare of tired feeling
Questioning the time where I can find me crying
There's no tears coming
There's no stars and moon sparkling
There's no help I was catching

Lights are turned off and I was left in the shore
I can feel my body trembling as I walk to hunt the right floor
I can feel my embrace getting tore
Longing for someone's core

Pain come out from 2 lazy eyes
The dangerous waves flashed on my glassy eyes
I was hit by the tsunami of ties
They shout clearing my ache inside my nose by lies
Flashing the last fake smile where the spot of my bloom dies.

Linked LettersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora