Chpater 1pt2

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*Jades POV*


"Hey fellas,did you miss me?" I questioned with a smirk on my face

*Flashback over*

The crowd somehow got even more louder after I said that.

"Jade? I thought you couldn't wrestle anymore?" Roman asked

"There is something called lying;ya know you should be used to it since that's all yous ever do!"I replied back

"I'm sorry Jade I didn't mean to put you in the hospital Hunter just told me to do it so it could get you of the way" Seth said looking guilty

I looked away with tears in my eyes feeling them gloss over but I pushed them back and looked Seth in the eyes.

"I'm not mad about you going on to hunters side,I'm mad at the fact you would hurt me just for a STUPID TITLE!!!" I shouted at the end

"You broke my heart by betraying your own flesh and blood..."

Seth's eyes glossed over so did the rest of the shield's. I decided to walk away and got out of the ring up the ramp but I stopped and turned around

"Let me fight one of you and if i win I might re-join the shield but you win I'll leave you alone. Deal?" I stated.

"Deal and you'll go against me" my brother said

"Okay" I said and walked behind the curtain back to the gorilla. I was walking towards Stephanie's office, but I was tackled into a hug by Paige,Charlotte,Sasha and the Bella twins.

"Your back" they all shouted with large smiles on their faces

"Yea" I answered with the same grin " I missed you guys but we gotta get to the hotel so go and get your stuff and you can ride with me"

"Okay but the bellas travelled together so they can't come" Charlotte replied then they all ran to their dressing rooms while I walked to Stephanie's office got my stuff and have her a hug goodbye.

I met the girls at my car then I drove us to the hotel whilst I caught up with them. I parked outside the hotel and got my room number.

I got in the lift/elevator and went up to my floor. I got my card out and swiped to unlock the door. I put my suitcase down for pajamas had a shower and went to sleep.

Jade RollinsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum