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Everyone lives on this giant supercontinent named Empire. The continent is split into 12 districts, each based on an Empires Smp kingdom, but in the story they're based on the different deities.

Once a year the kids the age of 12 take a holy test to see if they have pure enough blood to harness a deity's powers. If they are deemed worthy they are instantly awarded with ranking and social power. Then they train at Deitne Academy for a year or so before turning thirteen/fourteen and taking the Choosement ceremony.

The Choosment ceremony is a holy ritual where one god or goddess will deem you worthy to work in the art of their elements, and they then become your patron deity.

Throughout the rest of the boarding school years, you will train in the ways of your deity, and learn to use their magics.

When you graduate, you are sent off into the world to battle monsters and corruption, adventure, help others, and bring prosperity to the districts.

You were deemed of Divine Blood at the holy ritual, and your Choosement ceremony is right around the corner.

Welcome to Deitne Academy.

May the gods ever be in your favor.

(This was just made to wrap things up more)

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