3. It Seems Like This Place Is Just A Mansion

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Chapter 3. It Seems Like This Place Is Just A Mansion


A week passed and Kyle's horrifying journey finally end but the cost is he is already like a lifeless skeleton. In other words, he looks like a girl repeatedly raped after a week.

In this week, he encountered hundreds of kinds of abominations which he fought, avoided, or even ran away from. He even developed many skills and one is a new skill called [Play Dead].

But there is actually something horrifying that totally broke his mind, Kyle was actually trapped in a room where a gory abomination called Havoc suddenly chased him forcing him to hide in a room and play dead.

The havoc had a class called Torturer Of Souls which as the name says, is something that a skeleton will become horrified and the Havoc played on him for a day before being driven away by a different Armored Revenant.

Poor Kyle.

But it loos like the Revenant took pity on him and it took away the negative emotion on the poor skeleton soul, bearing it on its soul.

Kyle is thankful for that after he recovered but the Revenant can't be seen again and only the screams of anguish and pain resounded in the mansion.

Poor Revenant.

But Kyle is sure that the Revenant had a way to get out of its suffering since the look on the eye of the Revenant when he took away the negative emotion is not worried.

And since he didn't have any negativity, Kyle is like a saint for a minute which baffled him but he soon turn back to normal.

Now Kyle is slowly walking towards the large double doors in a huge hall where a large number of skeletons are standing still.

Kyle is not worried about the skeletons attacking him since he already understands the ecology here. He already knows the hostile, neutral, and allied forces.

Kyle's allied forces are the undead.

Skeletons, Zombies, Ghouls, Patch Werks, Undead Giant Worms, Hounds, Lich, Semi-Lich, Death Knights, Death Mages, etcetera.

The hostile forces on the other hand composed of Ghosts because the Ghost race eats on the souls of this undead, Kyle even remembered when he encountered a hundred of Wraiths in a large room, he ran away and found a double door and entered it, only to find a lich, he was so happy back then and he ran behind the lich to the door behind it.

The lich eyes seeing the Wraiths burned in an eerie blue light as he summoned a group of Skeleton mages and battled the wraiths.

Of course, Kyle is already out of the room and only hears the battle from outside. After a day, Kyle came back to the place again unknowingly and saw the skeletal figure of the lich laying on the ground dead while a wraith is floating on the air and glowing with eerie black, gray, and white glow.

Apparently, it is evolving.

Kyle grabbed the wands of the mage, staff of the lich, and the cloak it used before and stored it into his inventory before running away from that place.

He concluded three things that happened there.

First is, the lich defeated the wraiths at the cost of losing the skeleton mages but the last one managed to survive and killed him.

Second is, the lich didn't manage to defeat the wraiths completely and after he died, the wraiths eat each other because only one can evolve.

Third is, that the wraith, there is a stronger wraith and after the lich defeated the wraiths it came out and killed him.

Poor lich.

Anyway, the wraith is one of the hostile forces and the Neutral forces are something like the Havoc where it tortures souls.

Wearing the cloak the lich once wore, Kyle looks like a lich which made the skeletons around him look at him with admiration but of course, they actually look emotionless.

'Now since this freaking mansion didn't even have a single window, I'm craving to see the skies and the nature!'

'But first, let's check our status'


Name: Kyle Valstrax

Race: Undead

Species: Skeleton

Class: None

Title: The Traitor, Undead Hunter

Level: 4 (800/1000 XP)


Strength: 16               Stamina: Infinite

Defense: 13                Intelligence: 0

Vitality: 10                 Wisdom: 10

Dexterity: 16

Status Points: 0



[Darkness Vision], [Inventory], [Appraisal lv:2], [Throwing lvl:4], [Play Dead lvl:3], [Sprint lvl:2], [Ambush lvl:2]


[Necrotic], [Corruption], [Fire]


[Cold], [Disease], [Poison]


His week of stay here in this horrible mansion brings him good progress in his status but they are not really something to be proud of, his status looks like the status of a traitor and a coward....


He still obtain many things on his inventory!

Although he didn't find any armor in the mansion he found a ceremonial sword, a staff, and wands!

He also obtain different kinds of books but he didn't know the language so he is going to read them later.

Feeling proud, Kyle approached the door and opened it.


The continent of Alfea is divided into different territories and one of them is the Human Territory and the smallest of them where it holds three kingdoms constantly protecting their territory from the invasion of other races.

The sun shines brightly illuminating the prosperous City of Ilalia, a city on the border where the constant attack of the goblin race happens every month.

The City of Ilalia holds thousands of adventurers and has a strong defensive terrain, wall, and defense weapons stuck to the walls.

Every year thousands of deaths took place in the wall but they still hold out even now.



The wind blows wildly along with the dust that rose and blinded the people forcing them to close their eyes.

After a while, they finally saw what happened.

At a distance, about a kilometers or so, a dot or a silhouette can be seen resembling a humanoid.

"G-Goblin Giant" A person murmured looking at the figure in shock and fear.

Another person saw this and stared into the distance.

'Just yesterday an attack happened in the Kingdom of Festergut by the Orc race and an attack from the Kobold happened in the Kingdom of Maximilian then now an attack from Goblin race to the Darius Kingdom'

'Did the Gods finally move?'

'What should we do Father God, God of Humanity Sid, and our Savior God in this problem?'

'Please send your help to this lowly one dear Father God'

After thinking that, the man shook his head and turned around.

"The War of Races will soon start to send the news to the whole kingdom!"

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