7. Battle Of The Revenants And The Wraith Lord

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Chapter 7: Battle Of The Revenants And The Wraith Lord


Kyle woke up and found himself in a big room where the middle part is not visible.

Confused, he stands up then glanced around, and finally remember where he was.

'Oh right that place which is not visible is where the Revenant stands'

Not planning to bother the Revenant, Kyle turned back and approached the door.


The door made a creaking sound as Kyle gazed at the hallway seeing a familiar green figure.

'Oh not again' He thought looking at the Havoc.

Closing the door, Kyle went back and go to the opposite door in this big room. As soon as he opened the door, Kyle saw a creature called 'wight', an undead who looks like a skeleton with white hair.

If the ghoul looks like a zombie then the wight looks like a skeleton but of course, there is a difference in habits, abilities, and figures.

A group of wight crawled on the ground like a dog and some wight is in the ceiling.

Kyle already got used to it, especially since this wight just looks like a skeleton but with white hair which is not scary at all.

He continued forward not bothering with them since if he attack even one, there's no doubt he will die here with how many they are.


A week passed already as Kyle level up from 6. He keep killing ghosts without rest as he didn't actually feel tired even mentally.

He distributed the remaining 5 points and new 5 points to his strength since for the Status System upgrading strength will also increase your speed.

Now from 16, it become 26 and he runs faster now like the most fastest athlete on earth. He can also jump more higher and throw stones with more firepower.

So far, there are no skills that leveled up besides the Soul Rip and Soul Reaper skills and the souls in his body are still in his body.

As for the souls that the soul harvest skill acquired...

Aside from using those stored souls to fuel his weapon, Kyle didn't know what to do on those souls and he tried to use it to empower himself only to feel disappointed.

While walking, Kyle suddenly heard the sound akin to a stampede. Although the sound is so thin, there's no doubt it was a stampede.


Curious, Kyle wanted to see it but the right decision here is...


Kyle quickly turned around and run, he ran towards the big room where the Club and chain-wielding Revenant resides.

Why did he run you ask?

Naturally, because there would be no stampede or monsters running if there was no one to chase them!

Meaning something powerful is chasing those creatures that are creating the stampede.

Going inside the big room, Kyle quickly closed the door and went to the opposite side where another door. This double door leads to the hallway where the Havoc is currently wandering a week ago.

Waiting for half an hour in nervousness, the sound of stampede grew louder and louder until the door burst open as skeletons, wights, zombies, ghouls, and ghast continued to run while avoiding the middle of the room unconsciously.

Kyle gasped.


That means....

Kyle turned his head to the door where the stampede came from...

Outside the room, Wraiths float in mid-air while a large wraith is leading them. There are also some shade, ghosts, and banshee floating along with them.


The sound of metal scratching the ground resounded as a chain suddenly flew out from the middle of the room.


The larger wraith swatted the pointed hook and gave his cry of intimidation.

Kyle hearing the loud voice that reverberated to the whole room felt uncomfortable. Although he has no ears, Kyle can still hear which saves him from the pain of breaking the eardrums but the loud voice still makes him uncomfortable.

If it's a human facing this big wraith there's no doubt their eardrums will be destroyed.

Kyle stared at the big wraith and inspected it.


Species: Wraith Lord

Race: Ghost

Class: Wraith King


Shocked, Kyle glanced at the Armored Revenant who revealed himself in the middle of the room in worry.


The door near Kyle suddenly burst open as a large number of Revenants suddenly appeared and behind them is a three lich.

The lich in the middle knocks his staff in the ground as a magic circle suddenly expands in the ground. Then Kyle suddenly saw the walls expanding making the place wider.

As the place become wide, more Revenant came in and more Wraiths, Shades, Specters, Phantom, Banshee, and the invisible poltergeists which Kyle may not know that there is one if he didn't have any appraisal on him.

Kyle is puzzled but he just hid in a corner.

The Wraith Lord roared as the ghost suddenly went forward to attack.

The Revenants are silent but they all move forward carrying their respective weapons as their eye burns in blue flame.

The battle began as a Revenant jumped and swung his large sword in a wraith. The wraith dodged then he suddenly do something which made his figure blur like he did something at high speeds before the Revenant fell to the ground.

Its blue flames died down and the Wraith suddenly glow in gray color.

Kyle never fought with a Wraith before but how come they are so strong?!

The time he encountered them is when he just opened the door and was suddenly chased by the Wraiths before he can even comprehend why would they attack him.

And luckily he managed to find a large double door quickly as he passed the Wraiths to the Lich but he did not expect the lich to die.

He must be so lucky back then because he didn't get caught by the Wraiths and found a lich!

Kyle's gaze turns to the ghost side looking at the specters, shades, and phantoms who move like assassins and the banshees, ghosts, and poltergeists who attack like a mage.

'Let's just wish they will win'

'But I feel like they would not...'

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2022 ⏰

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