6. Going Back To The Mansion.

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Chapter 6: Going Back To The Mansion.


Kyle felt sick, he wants to erase the memory but he just can't do it.

'No just think that you never go there and see that' He thought feeling aggrieved.

He didn't manage to save the human slaves since the leader of the goblins are there, he can't even do any damage to it, so the best decision is to abandon them.

He knows it's harsh but what can he do?

'Let's just hope there is a goblin slayer in this world'

He managed to escape the big guy while chuckling at his imagination of how angry it wa-

'Wait what if he took his anger on the human slaves?'

Kyle shivered then walk forward dejected.

Right now, Kyle didn't ask himself why he is so weak because he knows the reason why.

'Let's go back to the horrible mansion and kill the wraiths and hollows then! Oh and maybe I can thank the Armored Revenant too' Kyle thought excitedly as he run back to the mansion.

He is sure that he won't get lost since when he followed the goblin they are only moving in one direction and he only needs to go to the opposite.

Luckily when he ran away from the big guy, he hid on a tree where the ambush first start.

Now he only needs to find the big mountain or more like the cliff because the entrance to the dungeon mansion is underneath it.


Kyle finally came back after 3 days of walking forward, in front of him are the large double doors.

Opening the door, Kyle is greeted by hundreds of skeletons staring at him, it looks scary but for Kyle who got used to it and is also a skeleton, it feels nostalgic.

'Hello guys I'm back' He mentally greeted the skeleton and smiled while the skeleton started to ignore him.

The door closed as he stepped inside.


Taking out the two short swords that still has some traces of soul on them, Kyle confidently climbs a large stair in the hall filled with skeletons.

'Now it's time to hunt ghost!'


A creature that looks like it was made by shadow is currently crawling while looking at the hallway absentmindedly.



The hollow give a death cry as a skeleton wearing a cloak behind it slashed it into two.

Kyle's sword gleamed in an eerie blue as he walk forward and peek out to a room.

There he saw a group of hollows in the dark hiding.

Walking forward confidently, he slashed forward sending sword waves as the hollows cried in pain but it only gave shallow wounds.

Seeing this, Kyle grinned then he ran away.


Kyle keeps running away in the hallway as 8 hollows chase him while crawling in the walls.

He suddenly slowed down and opened up a double door before stepping inside and running to a corner.

The hollows stopped, sensing danger, they gave out cries of intimidation then proceeded to move forward.


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