Chapter Two

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Ahnjong pov :

Five years ago

I walked through the hallways, making my way towards my locker. I twirled my hair as I opened my locker and as expected, numerous letters fell out of it. I quickly kneeled down and started casting around for a certain letter, but to my dismay, all of them were letters from lame guys or crazy girls who love for being amazing but not a single letter from him as always. What's the use of these letters from people I barely know when the person's letter I want most isn't here I groaned and picked up all the letters that had now made a mess on the polished floor. I sauntered towards the bin at the end of the hallway, disposing the letters into it without even reading them as usual. I strolled back to my locker and collected my books for the next period I had.

"Hello there~" A sweet voice spoke. I turned towards the source of it, and smiled at the owner of the voice. 'Hey Sana" she slung her arm around my shoulders with a smirk "You see Eunwoo over there" She muttered into my ear, quietly pointing in one direction. I tilted my head in confusion, as my ocean blue eyes peered in the direction she was pointing at, and as she said, there stood Eunwoo looking at me with hearts in his eyes.

"Girl, I'm telling you, he's whipped for you" she giggled. "Not to mention, he's hot too," Jihyo sang in a weird tune. We gave each other hugs before wandering in the halls as we had free time before our next class. "I can't argue with the fact Eunwoo's hot but he's just not my type" I shrugged as I leaned against a white-painted wall. Sana rolled her eyes, leaning beside me while Jihyo just wore a smug look. "What" I inquired. "It's not like Eunwoo isn't your type, you're just head over heels for Taehyung'' she grinned with a smug look. Sana fights back a laugh as I refrain myself from pouncing at her. I scowled at Jihyo as she chuckled and shook her head as she pulled out some candy from her pockets, handing both of us one before consuming one herself. I stared at the blueberry-flavoured candy and finally devoured it, savouring the flavour as I closed my eyes. I've been friends with Jihyo for as long as I can remember. She and I have been inseparable friends from the time we met at Kindergarten.

Ever since we met Sana in middle school, we three have been best buddies and now that we joined the same high school, our bond just strengthened. But Jihyo wasn't wrong, I am indeed head over heels for the one and only Kim Taehyung, the school's heartthrob. I have had a huge crush on him ever since I met the charming guy at Cram school. Not only is he popular for his killer looks, he's also an awesome player of Basketball. I met him when I was 10, he's now my senior, being two years older than me. "Ahnjong, get over him already, you have been crushing on him almost all your life, it's so obvious but he doesn't even notice you" Sana remarks. Though I know she was only joking and had no intention to offend me, it still hurt. "She's right, it's been too long, it's time you let go, and I'm serious" Jihyo comments along with Sana. "Whatever" I rolled my eyes and walked away, leaving both of them hanging. It's not like he doesn't notice me, he just avoids me for some unknown motive. I have never asked him the reason for doing so, for I have a big ego. There's not a single soul to whom I go unnoticed. Guys want me, and girls want to be me. I mean I am pretty popular for being gorgeous and smart with two pretty and famous friends.

Being a topper in Mathematics, Secured me a scholarship, giving me a chance to attend this expensive school for crazy rich people. Jihyo's dad is a famous politician while Sana's parents owned the biggest chocolate factory in the city. Everyone assumes I'm rich since I hang out with the two of them though that's not the truth. I attend this school solely because of the scholarship I obtained. I have dated several guys, in expectation that I'll finally be over him, but no one attracts me except him.

After a few relationships, I gave up on finding another man. I wish I could kick the wall called you, I wish I could destroy the word that's called you but I just can't. Sana and Jihyo finally catch up to me and walk alongside, beside me, walking towards the Cafeteria only to find our favourite spot occupied by a blonde and her friends. I frowned and Sana let out a growl. We both stepped out to tell the girls to get out of our space but a tired voice stopped us both in our tracks. "That's not a good idea, I don't feel like getting involved in a fight today, let's just sit somewhere else" Jihyo said, already walking towards a table at the opposite side of the room. I and Sana looked at each other as we nodded. If it wasn't for Jihyo, both of us would have been in a fight every day, she was the mom of the group.

Heartbeat [BTS FATAL LOVE]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang