In the home of the Darkness

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It was quiet in space, deep in the first galaxy, there is a white portal that leads to the home of the darkness, the fabric of it's space is a dark rainbow, and the big swirling dark void is Darkness's dark void, inside it is a big world called the Heart of the darkness, there are broken planets in it's sky, there are 10 regions in the heart of the darkness, and in the ice castle of the 8th region, there is a cobra super god named Void sitting on his floatie relaxing on a frozen pool drinking his lemonade relaxing.

A hybrid weasel flying squirrel named Beige comes running with the drink and slips on the pool as the drink slides to Void*

Beige: Here's your drink sir.....

Void takes his drink.

Void is trying to eat his fish from the ice cube but he ends up jabbing his fork to break the ice*

Void then tries to brush his teeth but the ice removed his toothpaste from the toothbrush*

He growled in annoyance

Void then tries to take a shower but ice cubes fall on his head, he then tries to swim on the frozen pool as Null moves the beach background*

Void groans

Void then drags his frozen chihuahua outside trying to make him fetch.

Void continues to break the ice to free the fish, he successfully did, but then a fluffy female seal takes it from it*

Void growls and scares her

The seal runs away*

Solaris: Are you okay dad?

Void: This ice territory is killing me!

Beige: Sir, you still have your galaxy tv to see the galaxies still.

Void: Good point Beige. *sits down and watches tv* Ugh, these blasted heroes.... Damnit, New death was so close... Huh? What's this?

He sees Nyx warning Dark Matter to not make more contracts*

Void- What's this? Who does that miserable Goddess think she is?!

Ifrit: Take it easy father, she's your niece!

Void gets up: That's it, I can't take it anymore kids, I'm done, I'm tired of these heroes winning over and over, now they turned Tride from bad to good?! They pushed me too far. FIRE A METEOR AT EARTH!!

Terror: Um, we can't do that sir, your torturing the engineer.

Void laughs: Oh yeah I forgot about that, well no matter, I'm going over to Earth in my disguise. *as he transforms into small owl Stolas*

Terror- A small owl? That almost looks like Nyx pet !

Void: I know, stay here kids and minions, I'll be back soon. *as he flies away*

A theme played underground showing Season 8 of the title*

Owl Void landed on the tree*

Zack is with his nine siblings: Then Tride went deep in the underground with me trying to find the miraculous.

Lexy- That's what happened ?

Samartha- Wow!

Zack: Yep, he dodged all the booby traps, and then he grabbed the miraculous and leave in a jiffy.

Derek: That's awesome!

Shadette: Pretty hardcore.

Savy looks and sees Owl Void: Huh? Stolas?

Owl Void blinks trying not to speak*

Lexy- Savy just because he looks like Stolas doesnt mean it's him

Savy: It kinda looks like him.

It started to thunder*

Issac: Oh crap it's gonna rain!

Vincent: We better head home!

They got their umbrellas*

Savy: Bye Stolas! *as they leave*

Void grins evilly. Zack, Florabelle, and Shadette went to Dark town, the rest of the siblings head back to the mansion, Savy and Lexy made it back to Toon patrol hq*

Savy: Honey, I'm home!

Smarty- Hey babe!

Sleazy: How is your day?

Lexy: Zack was telling us a great story of how he is under the control of Tride.

Wheezy: Cool.

Greasy: Savy, I need your help, can you get me the butter?

Savy went to the fridge: Sure Greasy. *opens the fridge*

Blitzo- Spoiler alert: the butter is spoiled!

Savy giggles*

Greasy: What's funny Savy?

Blitzo- Pretty funny huh ?

Greasy looks: What the?! Why are you in our fridge?!

Blitzo- Just "CHILLING"!

Crystal and Panthy giggle at the pun.

Blitzo- Oh also because Malikai wants to see you guys at the Strawberry cafe !

Savy smiles: Okay Blitz.

Blitzo- Cool....

Blitzo shuts the fridge on himself.

Void and his kids arrived on EarthWhere stories live. Discover now