Meet Charles De Girl

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Back with Lumina, the Loonatics and Bill*

They look around the planet*

Tech: Are you sure the 2nd piece is here Bill?

Bill- Hey I know lots of things okay. Dont underestimate my intelligence

Tech: Okay.

Ori looks around cooing*

Snowball sneaks through and sees Ori

Silva looks: Snowball? Why are you here?

Snowball squeaks.

Silva picks her up: Better stick with us or Aunt Arabella will be worried about you.

Snowball chitters

Tech sighs: I hope Musica is okay, she was upset when our future is gone.

Silva- Wait you didn't go after her! You were just chasing her!

Tech: Oh boy. You guys go find the piece, I need to find her. Bill, teleport me back in Dark town!

Bill- You got it

Bill snaps and he disappears

Ori sees a shiny thing, it is the second piece in the temple, he points cooing*

Silva quickly grabs it.

Silva- I got it !

But then rock monsters rise from the ground*

Silva- Uh oh !

Ace: We need to get out of here now!

Lexi- Come on !

Bill teleport everyone back in Dark town*

Silva: Few, that was close. *holds Ori and Snowball* At least I didn't lose these two.

Lumina placed the second piece on the first piece of the heart*

Lumina: Two down, five to go.

Duck: I hope Tech finds Musica.

In the Dark Forest Musica is high on the tree as she cries to herself

Techno hugs her cooing*

Musica hugs her baby as she sniffles.

Musica- Why... Why did it have to happen

Techno coos*

Musica hugs her close

Tech: Musica? Where are you?

He hears her crying and sees her and his daughter on the tree

Tech: Musica! *used his jetback to fly up there*

Musica looks

Tech: There you are, I looked all over for you yesterday, but I couldn't find you, but guess what, there is still hope to save the galaxies and our future.

Musica-( Wipes her tears) There is ?

Tech sits next to her: Yes, we needed to find the pieces of Void's heart, find the real Lightness and find the three wands.

Musica- But... It will take forever...

Tech: I know. But, I know you miss your future mom and dad, but at least we have your present mom and dad.

Musica- That's true but it's snill not the same to me

Tech: My love, I promise we'll save the future.

Musica lools at him

Tech hugs her: We'll get your future family back, I promise....

Musica tearfully hugs him before they kiss.

Void and his kids arrived on EarthWhere stories live. Discover now