Meet Molly and Vaggie's dad

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Angel Dust holds Tony and Sugar cube: Hey weaselings, there's someone you need to meet.

G. Freddy- Who?

Then Molly appears.

Molly-(cheerfully) Hiya!

Zanobia: Oh! Hi!

Pentol: Who are you?

Molly- Hi! Im Molly! Angel Dust' little sister! Omg! You weasels are like so cute! So plushy!

Malikai is shocked: Um, Angel dust, can I have a word with you?

Angel- Uh okay?

Angel walks over to him.

Angel- Yeah ?

Malikai: Why didn't you tell me you had a sister?!

Angel- Geez dont freak out. You never asked!

Malikai: You told me you had a shitty dad, and a gloomy brother, but you didn't mention you have a sister!

Angel- A happy upbeat sister. Ya got a problem with that ?

Malikai: No not at all, but the next time you have other family members you tell me and the others.

Angel- Okay geez.

Molly giggles as she pets Arabella

Tops giggles*

Molly- You two are so adorable I could eat you up !

Tops and Arabella giggles.

Arabella- Aww thank you !

Vaggie- And also... I want you to meet my Dad

Morty: Your dad?

Vaggie- Yes...

???- Oh Vaggie~

They looked*

They see the devil

Jason and Morty dropped their jaws*

Malikai: Oh, it's you.

Devil- What ? Not happy to see me again ?

Tops: Vaggie? This is your father?

Tigs: I don't see the relation..

Devil pats Vaggie's head: She has my angry face...

Vaggie- Don't push it Dad.

Devil- She mostly got her looks from her mother

Axelle: What does her mother look like?

Devil- Like this. She gets the brown hair from her grandmother.

Devil shows them.

Tina: Oh my.

Pentol: I gotta find Cherry. *as he leaves*

With Cherry....

Cherry grumbles as she walks alone in the forest.

Cherry- Stupid Panty. Who does she thunk she is

???: Well well, hello Cherry...

Cherry looks and sees Worley the Weasel.

Cherry- You again ? Didnt you get the first message to back off ?

Worley: I came to mate with you.

Cherry- Uh uh. No way

Worley was about to touch her when Pentol grabs his hand hard*

He winces and looks.

Pentol has fire in his eyes*

Cherry- Pentol ?

Pentol: Stay away from my wife....

Worley- Aw yeah ? Well guess what ?

Pentol: What?

Worley smirks and takes out a pepper spray and sprays it directly into Pentol's eyes

Pentol: Ahhhh! Grrrr, okay, you ask for it! *transforms into a monster raven and flaps hard to made Worley get knocked out by the tree*

Cherry- Pentol ?

Pentol wipes his eyes and can see again: You messed with this wrong weasel! *grabs Worley and kicked him out of Toon town*

Cherry becomes shocked

Pentol pants: You okay Cherry?

Cherry blushes.

Cherry- Babe...

Pentol kisses her hand*

Cherry- Oh... Babe...

Pentol puts Cherry on his back*

Cherry- Oh ! Hey !

Pentol: Want to ride on my big raven form?

Cherry smirks and pets him.

Cherry- Of course my little love bird~

Pemtol smirks and takes off with Cherry.

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