The scroll

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Meanwhile , Stolas and Stella chuckled until Stolas sees his phone ringing

Stella: Hm?

Stolas- Via ? What is it sweetheart ?

Octavia: I have good news, my twin sister Zara is here!

Stols and Stella gasped.

Stolas- Stella?!

Stella: She's okay?!

Octavia- Yes come quick!

Stella: Okay we're on our way!

Zara- Wow. That was urgent.

Octavia: I know.

Then the family appears.

Zara- Oh there they are

Steve: Mom!

Stuart: Daddy!

Stolas- Kids !

Zara- Must be them.

Octavia- Mhm

Steve and Stuart hugs them*

Steve: We have another sister!

Stolas and Stella looked at Zara.

Zara- Mom ? Dad ?

Stella: Zara?

Zara- Yes, it me guys

Stolas: Zara! *as they hug her*

Zara- Oh !

Stolas: How are you sweetie, it's been many years....

Zara starts to cry happily.

Zara- Ive been alright. I missed you guys so much... Uncle Andrealphus has been taking care of me.... I heard all the adventures you went tgroigh.. And I missed everything...

Stolas; You have sweetie.

Zara-( Cries ) I missed you all so much...

Stella: Us too sweetie.

Zara wipes her tears

Muskrat eats*

Muskrat: This strawberry tart is good.

He then sees someone walk by and sees a beautiful fluffy white moth girl angel from Heaven buying a few macarons

Muskrat gasps and drops his strawberry tart*

??- Thank you so much. Have a nice day.

The beautiful moth angel walked by Muskrat again

Muskrat sighs lovingly*

Gregory appears and snirks teasingly.

Gregory- Someone's in love with an angel~

Muskrat: An angel?! Oh boy....

Gregory- Forbidden Romance alert ! Why don't you go talk to her ?

Muskrat: I'm an imp, she's an angel!

Gregory- It doesnt her. The Alastor fell in love with an angel and she is now a fallen angel now

Muskrat: I guess it can work. *went to her*

The moth girl giggles as she enjoys her macaron

Muskrat: Um, hello there.

Moth girl- Huh !

Muskrat: H-Hi, I'm Muskrat....

Moth girl- Im Trixie

Muskrat: Um, do you um, want to hang out with me later?

Trixie giggles at his shyness.

Trixis- I would love to.

Trixie then yakes out a vanilla flavored macaron

Trixie- Here. Have one. They're really good

Muskrat holds it: Thank you.

Trixie giggles making him blush as Zara walks by Jason's Workout gym

Grimskull finished: Whew, what a workout....

He then stops and spotted Zara walking by

Grimskull: Hubba hubba.

He then gets up and out of the gym

Grimskull came to her: Hey cutie.

Zara- Huh ?

Grimskull: Name's Grimskull baby, want to hang out later?

Zara- Um sure ? Im Zara. Octavia's sister.

Grimskull: Hot name.

Zara turns red.

Maisie: This is nice.

Tito: Yep, we got 2 hours left. Hey, if you ever need help stopping Void, we be glad to help.

Maisie: Awesome, and someday we'll find our old friends.

Tito: Si.

Back in Crystal cove*

Gregory is helping Tigs find some information about Nibiru

Tigs: There's gotta be an old history or a clue of how to find Nibiru.

A mysterious man walked to him and bumped into him dropping a scroll and walks away*

Gregory- Well pardon me !

Tigs- Hm. Whats this ?

Gregory picks the scroll up and opens it

It shows a picture of the whole Planispheric Disk*

Gregory- Well Ill be damned !

Tigs- What is it ?

Gregory- Look. Its the Planispheric Disk. Perhaps this can help us find Nibiru

Tigs: Maybe Lumina knows something about this, we need to show this to Malikai.

Beige, Waspy and Terrorsaur evesdrop*

Gregory- Who is this Lumina ?

Tigs: A new friend of ours, let's go. *as they left the library*

Terrorsaur: Did you hear that bros.

Beige: Yes, Void will be very pleased.

Void and his kids arrived on EarthWhere stories live. Discover now