About the infinite stones

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Back at Dark town*

Tops: So what is so powerful about the infinite stones.

?????: I know about them.

They all looked

It is SkekSo with his family along with Sky Star and Purple*

Smarty- Of course you guys would. You were in space before.

SkekSo: Yes Smarty. *sees Ranboo* Oh, hello old friend.

Ranboo glares.

Ranboo- Hello SkekSo.

SkekSo: Look, I want to apologize of what I did to you in the past.

Ranboo looks softened.

SkekSo: Can you forgive me?

Ranboo- I... I suppose so. I forgive you.

SkekSo smiles before he notices Void's stolen crown on his head.

SkekSo: You took Void's crown?

Ranboo- Oh. Yes , I did. I know he has a new crown but this crown is very vital and important as well and has a different power than his new one.

SkekSo: I see.

Malikai: So SkekSo, about the infinite stones?

SkekSo: Right, well my great great grandfather made super kwamis with their infinite stones.

Ranboo- ( Bitterly ) Of course he did....

Malikai: They're kwamis?

SkekSo: Yes, my great great grandfather felt that Darkness is going to consume all the planets in the galaxies, to stop him, he each gave one infinite stone to the leader in each galaxy to block him from entering, but he didn't plan on blocking Void and his kids as well.

Ranboo remembers and turns his back

Tigs: Welp, we're screwed.

SkekSo: But, we have an infinite stone with us.

Ranboo looked back surprised.

Smarty- Really?

Malikai- Let's hope you don't screw that up

Morty: Where is it?

SkekSo: Kwamis?

Savy's kwamis came to him*

SkekSo: The truth is my father split the purple power stone into two to dim it's powers down, he created the earrings of the ladybug, and the ring of the cat. They're both an infinite stone.

Smarty- Huh. That's shocking.

Ranboo- Wait he made them into some charms?!

Tikki: Huh? We're an infinite stone?

SkekSo: Yes, but if he combines the miraculous back into one, he might discover the wish from it.

Kwamis: Oh no, not that, not the end of the world.

Streex: Why would it be the end of the world?

Sass: It's bad, imagine the world as your school note, everything you written is in blue but now you want it to be red instead, before you can rewrite everything in the color you like you have to erase everything that's written in blue.

Ranboo-(Freaks out) Oh no oh no oh no.... I can't believe this I can't believe this... WHY?! Why did he do that?!

Malikai: Well we can't let him get them, and we need to do a big promise everyone, we must never turn grey for Void to charge up his amulet, let's promise to never turn grey again. Agreed?

All: Agreed.

Malikai: Good. *looks* Um, are we missing someone?

Smarty- Who donyou think dumbass? Savy!

Ranboo- No. No no no I can't go.

Ranboo backs away.

Ranboo- Im NOT getting caught up into another villains war

Kelly: Calm down Ranboo. *holds his hand*

Ranboo looks at her and calms down*

Ushagi, Mr. Kat, Mr. Daug and the cherubs came to them*

Pentol: Hey, it's the cherubs!

Tops gasps happily: KEENIE!!!

Arabella- NOT THE TIME!! We have business !

Keenie: Hi Tops!

Tops hugs her: I miss you!!

Moxxie facepalms: Not them again...

Malikai: Cletus, what are you and the two doing here?

Smarty- Arabella ?

Arabella- Um hello dumbos! NOT.THE.TIME !!!

Cletus: We were flying around until we see a girl at the castle looking sad.

Zack: Savy, why is she sad?

Morty: Well I think she is sad that she thinks we are talking about banishing her but we're not and she's probably going to turn grey so Void can take more of her grey and-

Lupe-( Tapes his mouth shut) Darling , I did this because I love you and I don't want you to get taken away.

Morty deadplaned.

Issac: Wait, she's turning grey now?

Vincent, Issac, and Markus screams as they run to the castle leaving the others shocked*

Ludel: Oh boy, we need to stop Savy before it's too late. *as they hurry to the castle*

Beige and the three sees them go: Follow me guys.

Arabella- Well Freddy now I know how you feel.

Glamrock Freddy- Im glad you do. They treat us like we dont matter. Let us go

Glamrock Freddy and Arabella left the opposite direction

Malikai stops: Oh no you don't sis, Savy's your friend, com'on!

Arabella- No no no no NO!!

Malikai stops.

Arabella- Look I know I promised I wont run way again but you are outright IGNORING ME LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!! What about my opinion?! Doesn't that matter to you?!

Malikai: Look, I don't want you to turn grey and I don't want to lose you, but don't you want to save the galaxies? how about this, I'll give you a piggie back ride for the whole week.

Arabella- WEALLY?!

Malikai: Yes really, I won't ignore you ever again.

Arabella- Oh okay

Void and his kids arrived on EarthWhere stories live. Discover now