Roy and Spike back to life

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Savy stops and takes her skates off*

Malikai came: Well, it's princess Savy.

Savy: Morning King Malikai. *looks and smiles* I see you have your pet squad with you.

Golda, Aquarious and Jasper saultes*

Arabella rolls her eyes

Ushagi hugs Arabella's nose*

Arabella giggles.

Arabella- Okay okay. But don't think I don't hate this musical.

Ludel: What brings you here Savy?

Jason: Our hazbin hotel gang will be here soon with our imp gang friends.

Savy: I came to see Florabelle, she has a surprise somehow.

Beige smirks and blows some mist to Tatyana to make her jealous which she glares and elbows Jason pretend to do it by accident

Jason: Hey, I still love you babe.

Tatyana- Hmph. Then why dont you stop kissing up then ?!

Jason looks down: Sorry babe...

Then the jealousy spell quickly wore off and she feels sorry as her eyes sparkle.

Tatyana- Oh , babe , Im so sorry . i dont know what came over me !

Jason smiles: It's okay honey. *hugs him back*

Florabelle came holding Eric: Sis! You made it!

Arabella- About time you got here !

Sierra texts Arabella and gasps

Morty: What is it Sierra?

Sierra- Harriet sent me a pic of them meeting Chang E from the moon !

Tigs: Let me see!

Sierra- Look !

They look and see the Broodals seeing Chang E who sings with her Glitter cats and Lunettes

Pentol: That's awesome!

Arabella- I know ! I wanna meet her next bros !

Savy: So Florabelle, what is the surprise?

Florabelle: Oh Galim came to me telling me that there is this troubled Ankylosaurus he has trouble trying to turn to good, so he thought he can give him to me to be my adopted son. Spike! Sweetie can you come here?

Spike came- Yes Mom?

Pentol is shocked: A-d-e-d-da-uh-wha? Spike?!

Arabella-(Shocked) Eee ahhh oooohhh duh DUH duh duh!

Tina- That spike?! That blue ankylosaur Spike?! That bad boy Spike?!

Florabelle: Yep, Spike, this is your aunt Savy.

Savy smiles: Hi, nice to meet you Spike.

Spike- Hello there.

Arabella and Pentol faint as Cherry is glad Panty isnt here.

Cherry- At least that slut's not here now.

But boy was she wrong.

Malikai: If Robbie was here, he would be happy to see you.

Spike- I know. I miss scooter too.

Panty then returns with Stocking.

Cherry sees and growls

Panty: I'm back, Stocking wants a snack from the strawberry cafe.

Cherry growls like a jaguar at Panty as her eyes are all fired up again

Malikai: Um, why don't you two go to the cafe before Cherry tries to kill you Panty.

Panty- Plz. Like Im scared of a cheap retro ex former bomb pro harlot.

Cherry-(Eyes turn red) WHAT?!

Pentol: Cherry calm down your going to have a panic attack.

Cherry- Oh honey, Panty is the one going tk have a panic attack when Im done with her !

Panty smirks and takes off her hoop earrings before she turns her garments into her teal blue signature pistols.

Panty- Come on then! I killed ghosts and demons! Killing a living person will be the first !

Tina: Now now no fighting in dark town!

Stocking: Forget it Panty, you'll fight her another time.

Panty- Yeah. She aint worth it anyway. Later bitch.


Cherry stomps over and bitch slaps her with her back hand

Pentol holds her: Okay okay! *rubs Cherry's shoulders that calms her down*

Cherry goes to calm down until Panty looks and sees her cheek is bleeding and she looked very pissed.

Panty- You are ao...FUCKING dead!

Panty shoots but she dodges Cherry who throws a grenade at her

Jason: Yipes! *grabs it and throws it in the air as it explodes* Whew.

Morty: Okay enough!

Stocking drags Panty away from Cherry*

Pentol: We don't need a ruckass in dark town...

Earl came with Roy: Hey guys!

Arabella- Hey guys !

Tops- How are you all?

Earl- Were doing good! We just got done helping the Glamrocks with their party.

Beige smirks and blows fury dust onto Cherry and mmake her finally had it and harshly pushed Morty and Pentol by their faces out of the way.

Cherry- You know what? Fuck it! I fucking hate this place! If that slut stays here I am NEVER living here in Dark Town again !!!

Pentol: Babe don't say that!

Pentol runs after her.

Cherry- No I mean it! I can't stay in the same place with her anymore !!

Savy: I got this, I've been having this new power. *puts her hands on Cherry's head and used her power to remove the red dust*

It is working and Cherry is back to normal*

Cherry- ( Less angry ) What the ?

Pentol: Babe? Are you okay?

Cherry- Yeah. Im fine. But Im still not over that slut Panty

Pentol: I understand.

Malikai looks at Roy: Hey... aren't you the trex that called us pets before?

Roy- Yeah sorry about that.

Tigs holds Snowdrop: It's okay. How are you back to life?

Roy- I guess God gave us another chance.

Tops: Awesome!

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