Asakusa Arc: Part 1

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Mizuto Sui



In the distance Mizuto and Tanjiro hear a woman scream in pain as they rush over. People start talking in the huge crowd surrounding the woman and her husband.

"What's this? What's going on?" A man standing close to his partner says with wide eyes

"I-Is that blood?" A woman says covering her mouth

Before the man could take another bite, Tanjiro tackles him onto the ground holding him down as Mizuto runs over to the woman

"Are you okay?" Mizuto says tearing a piece of his green and black haori to try and stop the bleeding

"Oh god it hurts!... Dear!" She woman looks away from Mizuto to see Tanjiro stuffing a cloth in his mouth to stop him from biting anyone

"Ma'am, You need to worry about yourself! Please let Mizuto tend to your aid!" Tanjiro says as he struggles on the ground with the girls husband

He then tries to scratch Tanjiro's face but fails as his hand was grabbed before he could do it

'It's all right. Somehow, it's going to turn out fine.' Tanjiro tells himself

"Don't worry lady, everything is going to be just fine, it's doesn't seem too bad." Mizuto says as he helps the woman out

'The wife's wound isn't fatal!' Tanjiro says in his house still holding the man down

"Press down harder!" Tanjiro yells at Mizuto gaining a nod from him

'Just a second ago, this man was just walking down this street!' Tanjiro says in his head restraining the man from doing anything

Tanjiro and Mizuto turns their head to see Muzan walking away with his wife and daughter.

"Muzan Kibutsuji! I'm not letting you get away! No matter where you go!" Tanjiro screams at him

"What's the matter with that child? What do you think, Tsukihiko?" Muzan's wife asks him

Muzan remembers the Hanafuda earrings Tanjiro was wearing and didn't answer but just sped up his pace

"No matter where you go, you're not getting away! I'll follow you to the ends of Hell, and I swear I'll slice your head off with my blade! I'll never forgive you no matter what!" Tanjiro screams some more at him barely even visible at this point

"What the hell are you two doing?" Three police officers run over

Police 1: Is it drunk?

Police 2: Kid, step away from that man!

Two of the police officers tell Tanjiro

"I can't! Bring some restraints please!" Tanjiro tells all three of them

"Shut up and step away!" One of them starts trying to pull Tanjiro off the man

"You got to listen to what he says" Mizuto says telling the officers gaining two of their glances

"Please don't do that! No one can hold this person down but me and that guy over there" Tanjiro says struggling as he points towards Mizuto

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