Chap_37. Scary Feeling

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It was almost the time to reach the ultimatum of 72 hours but there was no sign of Arnav to get back to his consciousness.

Everyone was on the verge of breaking down with just one question going on in their mind.

Why? Why they had to go through all this?

An alarm like something got into their hearing that buzzed through the corridor walls like it was the answer to their prayer which got their attention to the cabin of Arnav from where it was coming.

Maruf ran with the doctors into the cabin only to find Arnav with unsteady breathing. After putting some drugs or something sedative into the saline which was already on, his breathing got somewhat normal.

He opened his eyes slowly only to get uttering, “Khushi?” in a barely audible voice and then got his eyes closed once again.

The doctors got checking on his vitals and then turned to Maruf as if he understood their expressions, a relief spread on his face.

He turned behind only to find everyone looking at him with hopeful eyes, he nodded at them and said with a little bit of a smile, “He made it. He is out of danger now.”

Passing a warm smile, the other doctor spoke up, “Yeah, he is right. I gave him some sedative. Let him sleep it off. And it looked like Mr. Mahmud was calling someone. Get the person here. It will be good if he sees the person waking up.” and then the doctor left the cabin.

They got looking at each other helplessly. It was not tough for them to understand who was Arnav calling though they didn’t hear him but...

Later at Night

Arnav slowly opened his eyes only to get blinking to adjust the dim light of the room.

There was an oxygen mask on his face. He reached his hand for it. Removing it, he turned to his right side.

He saw there two sleeping figures on the sofa. He wandered his gaze all around the room. Except those two sleeping figures, no other person got into his sight. He tried to see them properly.

Mahin and Riya.

Like all the happenings dawned upon him and all of a sudden, he got seated as he screamed “No.”

Mahin and Riya got up at once and rushed to Arnav.

“It was all my fault. It was all my fault. Why am I even alive?”

Arnav got mumbling without bothering anyone as he roughly freed himself from the saline syringe.

Riya and Mahin went on uttering something but nothing was going through his mind which was occupied by the horrified face of Khushi seeing him before she went senseless.

To get him back to earth, Mahin got hold of him by forearms and shook him a little, “Arnav, calm down, yaar. Khushi is fine.”

This caught Arnav's attention and he immediately stopped and turned to Mahin. He gave him a pleading look as if asking him to say it again what he heard or he thought he heard was true.

It was like Mahin read his mind, he answered, “Khushi is out of danger now, Arnav. Just calm down, okay?”

Riya looked at Mahin being shocked but didn’t stop him. She also knew it would be the only thing that would stop him from getting stressed. So she didn’t mind him lying.

Khushi’s condition was not any good now. Not she was out of danger, just internal bleeding was stopped. She was yet to get consciousness let alone other things.

Arnav turned to Mahin, “Where is Khushi?”

Mahin looked at Riya not getting what to say. She got closer, “She is in the next room just, Arnav. She needs rest but she was getting worried for you. So... the Doctor has given her sleeping pills. Meet her tomorrow, okay? You also should sleep now.”

Arnav asked hopefully, “She remembered me?” and then turned to Mahin, “Hmm? She remembered me?”

When they didn’t answer him immediately, Arnav got tried to get down from his bed, “I will go to her.”

They tried to stop him but there was no way for him to get stopped. Sighing at last they followed Arnav as he got out of the cabin.

When Mahin pointed at the door of Khushi’s cabin, he walked towards the door. Standing by the door, he kept looking at Khushi through the glass for a moment while.

Then he pushed the door open and got near the bed. Without uttering anything, he sat by the bedside being weak to stand long, and kept looking at her.

Khushi seemed to get a peaceful sleep which somewhat calmed Arnav.

Akash and Payel were sleeping on the sofa in that room. As soon as they entered, they got up. They were excited to see Arnav awake but seeing him going towards Khushi’s bed, they didn’t get to say anything.

Mahin tried to get Arnav away from there and take some rest but Arnav sat there motionless, staring at Khushi’s face and at some point holding her hand in a gentle hold, he kept his head on the edge of the bed. His eyes were still fixed on Khushi.

Two Days Later

Khushi’s condition was still the same. Arnav had already realized Mahin had lied to him but nonetheless, he didn’t say anything to him. He didn’t say anything to anyone at all. He was all silent but always in the cabin of Khushi.

Sometimes, he was pacing there in the room restlessly, sometimes sitting by Khushi’s bedside holding her hand, pleading her to wake up, or sometimes just staring at her.

His body was begging for rest, eyes some sleep but his mind was not ready to give in. He was afraid if he would sleep, the time when he would get up, he would find everything just like before what happened to him years back.

He was not ready to face something like that again.

Everyone tried to get him some rest but he didn’t dodge anyway.

Next Day Early in the Morning

When Arnav was sitting by Khushi’s bedside staring at her, Maruf, Akash, and Mahin were on the sofa. They all were awake already.

At some moment when Khushi seemed to have to blink her eyes and would open them any moment like something dawned upon Arnav, he jerking stood up.

What if she gets afraid of seeing me? What if something happens to her?

Will I be able to handle it?

With that conclusion, Arnav reached the door hurriedly and was about to rush out of the cabin making everyone confused, they all got standing up looking at each other as if asking what’s happening?

Arnav held the knob of the door, ready to pull it open and run away from the scary feeling of seeing Khushi afraid of him. Nothing can be worse than this to him....

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