Chap_38. Sorry

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Sorry for the late update and keeping you awaiting readers.
I was not done editing.
Now enjoy reading the chapter and do share your thoughts....


Arnav was ready to dash out of the room but a voice put a brake on his plan.

“Arnav, I am sorry.”

These words were barely audible but Arnav clearly heard it. There was no way he would mistake this voice with anything. He turned to Khushi slowly, his hand was still on the knob. Just in case..

He was still afraid as the scary thought got crossing his mind again but his legs started taking steps towards Khushi on their own. Khushi’s eyes were still closed.

He hesitantly sat again on the chair and held her hand gently, waiting for her to open her eyes.

He was literally holding his breath in mixed emotions. Well aware, another horrified expression from Khushi and he would never make it for any second time to survive.

Khushi’s fingers got tightening on Arnav's hand as she opened her eyes slowly and mumbled again, “I am sorry.”

The way she was looking at Arnav, it was clear to Arnav she remembered him, she remembered them and all.

Tears that Arnav had been able to stop till now, got flowing down from his eyes in happiness, relief, excitement, and whatnot.

Others got closer to them already. Maruf got busy with checking her vitals. When relief spread on his face, others let out the breath, they didn’t know they were holding. Payel hugged Akash being overwhelmed, “She made it.”

Mahin and Riya were looking at Khushi with warm emotions but wet eyes.

Areesha couldn’t be happier for them.

Being oblivious to them, Khushi tried to reach her other hand to Arnav, wishing to wipe the tears off from his face.

He was crying because of her which she wanted the least. She studied his face. His disheveled hairs needed some brushing. She sighted the bags underneath his eyes.

When did he last have some sleep?

She wondered.

She remembered how he stood up beside her though she kept telling him she is not her but someone else. Not just someone else but someone else's fiancee. She felt guilty.

How could I?

She had seen the sadness in his eyes but she didn't care a bit. She remembered Arnav giving her pleading looks to say otherwise.

But what did she do?

Even now remembering all this, she didn’t know what to say. She couldn't think of anything to say that would take away his pain. The pain she only caused him. So, she kept on saying in mind and by being verbal, “I am sorry.”

Arnav got a little closer understanding her intention. Khushi wiped the tears off only to get Arnav uttering with a smile, “It’s okay, love. You are fine. We are together now. Nothing else matters.”

He smiled heartily that twinkled in his eyes but Khushi kept staring at his face only. She knew no matter how many smiles he wore now, underneath he had bleed and gotten hurt just because of her.

She again uttered, “I am sorry.” as a tear escaped from her right eye.

Arnav shook his head, “It’s okay. Sshh..” and wiped the tear away.

Some people entered the room and the sound of the door opening got them out of their trance.

Seeing her awake, they couldn’t be happier as they got near. Khushi smiled at Ema when her gaze caught her, “Thank you.” all she uttered.

But her smile faded away when her eyes fell on the two specific people.

As her father and brother got closer and Kowshik uttered, “How are you, Khushi?”, Khushi’s hold on Arnav's hand automatically tightened.

Arnav squeezed her hand a little, making her face him. Arnav nodded with a smile. Khushi again faced them as her father got uttering, “We are really sorry, Khushi. Please forgive us, dear.”

Khushi stared at them for a moment and then smiled a little. They were remorseful which was visible in their eyes..

Again a tear rolled down on her cheek which couldn’t get to stay there longer as Arnav had wiped them away already.

Maruf interrupted them at this point, “Khushi needs rest. We should leave the cabin now and let her sleep for some time.”

“Okay, doctor.” Akash got uttering in his cheerful dramatic tone which he found in him years later. Maruf rolled his eyes at him whereas others laughed out.

Leaving Khushi to take a rest, everyone got out of the cabin. They were so happy after a long time. Arnav was still there sitting by the bedside of Khushi.

“Arnav, please you also take some rest now.” Khushi said seeing his condition but no way Arnav was leaving from there.

Holding her hand, he kept his head at the edge of the bed, “Okay. But here only.”

In her heart, Khushi was also wishing the same. After so long they were together but she tried to say otherwise feeling his condition, “You also should get some rest, Arnav. Go home.”

Arnav was not going to leave anyway, “My home is with you, love. I am not going anywhere.”

Khushi didn’t say anything after that as they kept staring at each other, their hands interlocked. Khushi didn't make it to stay awake for long anyway for the sedative and closed her eyes. Arnav remained in the same way and at some point sleep engulfed him as well. Both of them were tired but their facial expression was telling another story.

After some time Areesha walked to the door. Looking at them from outside through the glass, a tear of happiness rolled down her eye.

Muhib got there the very next moment. Glancing at Arnav and Khushi’s sleeping yet relaxed and happy faces for once, he turned to Areesha. Wiping off her tear, Muhib hugged her. Areesha hugged him back as both of them again turned to the peacefully sleeping faces of Arnav and Khushi.

Both of them looked so calm, relaxed, so peaceful like nothing to worry about now.

Having the person beside them, they longed for, they seemed to be happy.

Very happy...

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