Chapter 4

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Few days later, Michael was looking at his team and say

Michael - 🆗 guys, we have 🆕 dancers and singers so please welcome, Destiny Hope, Victoria, Rosa, Christian, Paige, Victor, Fred and George

Michael's team - Hi guys! (👋)

Michael - 🆗 guys, we have only few weeks left for the upcoming concerts so I want everything to be perfect, I don't want any mistakes! (seriously warning tone) Do you get me? (extra seriously)

Michael team - Yes Michael

Michael - 🆗, you guys get to know each other until I finish a call then we can start with the rehearsals

Michael went out of the room. Destiny was practicing her steps. A girl comes to her and ask

Girl 🧒 - Hey you must be Destiny, right?

Destiny - Yeah! (nodes her head) I'm Destiny Hope (smilingly 🙂 seeing her)

Girl 🧒 - My name is Karen, I'm Michael's makeup artist

Destiny - Glad to meet you Miss. Karen

Karen - Just Karen is fine. Bill told us about you, your singing and dancing , I can't wait to see you outdo Michael

Destiny - I'm nothing like him, I just do what he did that's all

Suddenly they hear Victoria say

Victoria - Wow, I can't believe that Michael Jackson has a big heart that he put a homeless girl in his team

Paige - Who homeless girl? (disgusted tone)

Rosa - I heard that Destiny Hope is homeless and parents less too. I even heard that she killed her parents in few hours after her birth

Victor - I won't go near her

Victoria - I even heard that she's a gold digger

Fred - We should tell Michael to take her out of the team, who knows what she will steal from all of us

Rosa - I even heard that she is born with bad luck curse. Whoever is near her will have her bad luck

Christian - Let us all stay away from her

George - Yeah none of us want her bad luck curse on us

Fred - No wonder this place stinks (covering his nose)

Destiny felt very much sad and hurt but she did not show it on her face. Destiny see Karen and say

Destiny - It's 🆗 if you want to avoid me after this

Karen - Don't talk rubbish.... I don't care about what others say and think about you, my heart says your a nice person so let's be friends (smiling 😊)

Destiny - Are you sure about it?

Karen - Yeah, I will meet you with my other friends, I'm sure they will love you too

Out of the room, Michael was talking on the phone with a house owner.

Michael - Just make sure that the house is empty except for the sofa and bed

House owner - Don't worry Mr. Jackson, the house will be ready by afternoon and I will be waiting for you at the house in evening

Michael - Great. What time?

House owner - At 7:35pm will do

Michael - 🆗 I will meet you there then, bye

Frank comes to him and ask

🍀 Good luck 🍀.... 🖤 Bad luck 🖤Where stories live. Discover now