Chapter 30

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In Karen, Michaella and Michael's room, Destiny was sitting on the sofa and Michaella ask

Michaella - So.... Spill the beans (excitedly)

Karen - How did everything go?

Michaella - Did you guys do it?

Karen - Michaella what a stupid question is that, can't you see the love bite marks he has given on her neck and ears (teasingly)

Destiny blush hard and Michael say

Michael - Guys stop teasing the poor kid

Michaella - Oh, look who's saying that.... You were the one who was more impatient than us

Karen and Michaella laugh 😂 while Michael and Destiny blush hard. Destiny clears her throat and say

Destiny - He was good.... He's a very good lover.... He made real love and I could see and feel it. He was not using me for his physical pleasures

Michaella - I'm so glad to hear that from you.

Destiny - I feel sore but it felt so good. I never thought that I would ever have someone like him in my life.... When the first time he told me he liked me, I thought he was joking or.... Going to use me but I never thought he would actually love me like this

Karen - Any plans for making it official?

Destiny - Not yet.... Michael asked me to move in with him but I said no

Michael - Why? (shocked 😲)

Michaella - Good choice

Karen - You both need little more time

Michael - Why?

Michaella - Mike, they just started to date and taking it slow is good than rushing stuffs

Karen - I accept with Michaella. Last time Michael didn't listen to us and rushed things and it went into disaster and it took him weeks to come out of it

Destiny - I want this to go step by step only.... I love him and trust him fully but at the same time scared too.... I'm scared that he will use me in name of love

Michael - Trust us Des, Mike will never ever do anything like that.

Karen - Surely he may flirt with other girls but he is madly in love with you

Michaella - Let us order some food here and you say everything you did with Michael yesterday

Karen - What would you like? (seeing Destiny)

Destiny see the menu card 🎴 in the room and say

Destiny - I will go for.... Something you guys choose

Michael - Let me order then

Michaella - Make it light babe, we have rehearsal today

Michael - Got it

At rehearsal, Frank was smirking 😏 at Michael and ask

Frank - So you had your fun with her? (teasingly)

Karen - Frank (seeing Frank) you should have seen Destiny's neck and ears, full of bite marks, anyone can say that she spent some fun time with the boss (teasingly seeing Michael)

Michael - Shut up guys (blushing shyly)

Michaella - It took me for a while to cover them up properly with the clothes even after covering it with make up

Frank - I never knew you liked her this much

Wayne - Who is this Destiny? (curiously) Javon and Bill have been filling my head about her a lot recently, I thought they got a girlfriend or something but later I found out from Garry that she is Mr. Jackson's dance partner

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