Chapter 55

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At evening, everyone's was chatting, making fun of each other, watching TV with small snacks and drinks. Suddenly they hear someone opening the door and they see a old lady entering the mansion. Rose went to the old lady and took her bags and ask

Rose - Good evening Mrs. Ruler, how was your flight and would you like something to have?

Charlotte - Same as usual.... What is the use of having seven sons when none is available when I really need them. Until my eldest son was alive he kept everything in order, after he's gone.... (sigh heavily) Nothing is like before.

Victoria - Welcome home Mrs. Ruler


Victoria - That right you lost it when your sons took away my and Rosa's only parents.

Rose - Victoria please (pleading tone) not in front of everyone (seeing others)

Victoria - Let my now family know how disorganised is my own family is been for years. Good thing I and Rosa didn't take any risk of taking you or your sons to the 🆕 year party which my boss conducted.

Rose - Victoria let this topic go

Victoria - I don't want her or her damn fucked up sons staying in my uncle and aunt's place

Rose - VICTORIA.... (warning tone) Please think where she would live?

Victoria - She has enough houses so tell her to go there and stay there. She and her sons can't stay here as my uncle and aunt bought this house with their dancing and music earnings. If she has to stay here with her sons then they have to respect my now family or else she can leave right away

Rose was about to say something but got stopped by Charlotte.

Charlotte - Don't say a word Rose.... She and Rosa has all the rights to talk like that to me, either way their words are right, this house is Asher's and Faith's hard earning for their team and for upcoming artists for music, dance and other stuffs. I will respect your family and friends as your and Rosa wish

Victoria - Your sons better remember that this house belongs to their eldest brother whom they killed themselves (hateful tone) so even one thing goes missing I have my own ways to take it back

Charlotte nodes her head and went to her room with Rose's help. Rosa ask

Rosa - Are you going to be 🆗? (seeing Victoria concerned)

Victoria - I can't believe they are coming here and Rose I hided it

Rose - I knew you would react like this

Victoria - You know they hate my job, passion and love for music and dance and they are going to insult us in front of the family for nothing

Rose - I won't say no about that but remember that Asher would have allowed his family here no matter what happens between him, his wife and his family.

Victoria - If he was still alive I will be allowing them in my life but they took every happiness from me that's why I am like this.

Rose - All I would say is that.... Prepare yourself and Rosa for dinner as they will be coming for it

Rosa - Why are they here?

Voice - Business

Victoria and Rosa see their youngest uncle Eddie and run to him and hugs him tightly. Eddie hugs them and say

Eddie - Man I missed you crazily

They hug each other tightly and Eddie say

Eddie - Uh girls, I think that's enough

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