Chapter 31

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In Hong Kong hotel room, Destiny was trying to read a book 📙 but couldn't because of her troubled mind. Michael see her and ask

Michael - Sweetheart please tell me what is bothering you so much, you have been trying to hide something from me for past few days now

Destiny sigh heavily and keeps her book on the coffee table and see him and say

Destiny - I'm late.... My periods is late.... I never had anything like this before

Michael - 🆗.... Listen,.... I should have told this to you before itself but.... I didn't want to scare you on that moment.

Destiny - Is everything okay? (fear)

Michael - Destiny.... I forgot to do a very important thing whenever we had sex. You see,.... I should have wore a condom whenever we had sex and I forgot to do that and whatever happens I'm going to be with you

Destiny - I'm not getting anything properly right now so please explain properly and clearly

Michael licks his lips and bites his lips in nervously and say

Michael - You might be.... Pregnant

Destiny looked at him shocked 😲. There was complete silence for a long time and Michael felt scared. Destiny ask

Destiny - 🆗.... What should we do now? (calmly)

Michael - Are you not mad at me? (shocked 😲)

Destiny - What happened is happened, now we can't change it. I didn't want to be a mother soon but everything happens for a reason. Every actions has its consequences. What do we do now?

Michael - I called a friend of mine and told her to make an appointment with a specialist. I will be there for you the whole time

Destiny - When we have to go?

Michael - Tomorrow. Today let us take rest then first thing in the morning we will meet the doctor

Destiny - Okay.... (nodes her head) Can I go to the room and get some sleep if you don't mind?

Michael - Sure

At evening they were having tea 🍵. Destiny holds his hand tightly and kisses his hand and she say

Destiny - We will find a solution.

Michael - I'm sorry for this mistake (sadly 😔)

Destiny shakes her head with a smile 🙂 and say

Destiny - Everything is a lesson and it is up to us how we take it.

Destiny wrapped her hands around his arm and say

Destiny - We will pass this exam with right decisions

Michael just smiles 😊 at her and have his remaining tea 🍵. Destiny ask

Destiny - Want to go out for a long drive and dinner?

Michael - Sure. I will tell Wayne then we can go

In the car, Michael ask

Michael - Where do you want to go? (seeing Destiny)

Destiny - Random drive.... Somewhere no one would notice us or even if they do they won't care about us (seeing Michael)

Michael - Wayne (seeing Wayne)

Wayne - Got it Mr. Jackson (nodes his head)

Michael hugs Destiny and they look out of the window. They look at the lights, shops and people doing their stuffs. Destiny say

🍀 Good luck 🍀.... 🖤 Bad luck 🖤Where stories live. Discover now