Chapter 5 🖐️

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Few weeks later, Michael was having a hard time because of the upcoming concert. One Wednesday afternoon at lunchtime, Michael was sitting alone in the canteen and was thinking about the concert and what he could do to improve his concert. Destiny felt a bit bad that Michael was stressing unwantedly. Destiny tries to make a small communication but every time someone would stop her by telling that Michael is a timebomb right now. Destiny tries to go to Michael but Karen stops her and say

Karen - Don't even think about it girl.... He will finish you alive

Destiny - Karen please.... He needs someone to talk to. He's our boss and we have to make sure that he is okay like he does with us

Karen - I'm saying out of experience

Destiny - I'm worried about him. He is not eating anything properly. Living on juices is not good

Karen - All the best then (👍)

Destiny went to Michael and noticed that he was zoned out. She sit beside him and keep her hand on his shoulder. Michael look at her and ask

Michael - Do you want anything?

Destiny - Yeah, I do want something

Michael - What you want?

Destiny - It's lunch time and you have been eating less and less day by day, which is not good for you and your health

Michael - I don't feel hungry whenever the concert date is nearing (looking away)

Destiny - I understand your anxiety and stress but not eating properly will not solve your problem here. You will lose this game, not others.... Please have something,.... for me please (making a puppy dog face)

Michael look at her and see her face and smile 🙂 and say

Michael - 🆗

Destiny - Have some lemon soda first so that you won't have trouble and feel sick while you're having your lunch.

Michael - I lose my appetite whenever it is a big day

Destiny - I had the same problem when I was 15 years old, later I learnt a valuable lesson, for a special day just for one day we should not suffer and sacrifice our regular day happiness. I understand that you want to be perfect but for your perfection don't lose your health and happiness, that's all I'm coming to say to you.... Have the wrap, (giving a wrap 🌯) without thinking about anything, you need more energy than us

Destiny was about to get up and Michael ask

Michael - Where are you going?

Destiny - Just to get my lunch, I will be back before you could even think that I'm gone (getting up)

Destiny went to Karen and Karen say

Karen - That was surprising but don't expect him to be like this all the time

Destiny - I know but sometimes he needs to be shown right and wrong. Mind keeping an eye on him while I get some lunch

Karen - Sure

While Destiny was buying her lunch, Rosa say

Rosa - We have to start our plans from now on or else that homeless freak will take him away

Victoria - Okay let's start it

Victoria, Rosa and their gang went to Michael and Victoria ask

Victoria - Hey Michael, mind if we sit here with you

Michael - I don't mind at all

Rosa - Thanks (smiling ☺) Michael can you please tell us more about the stage routine please, I keep forgetting them

🍀 Good luck 🍀.... 🖤 Bad luck 🖤Where stories live. Discover now