The thoughts

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After defeating Volpina, Marinette thought about the aftermath of the whole thing, it turns out that someone had witnessed Lila lying and recorded it while editing it to show links that prove she was lying... This caused her classmates to find her out and hate her, while leaving her alone in the back as Nathaniel decided to sit next to Ivan, each time Lila tried to speak someone would whisper loudly about her while calling her "the liar" it really hurt Mari because she was to blame as Ladybug... She had to fix this somehow, she returned home while thinking about a plan to become friends with Lila.

She worked hard but the next day she came to school with a small box from her parent's bakery, she had worked hard on making these cannoli's for her with a lunch and a new jacket... But she wasn't at school yet making her worry, was she skipping? Did she lie to her mother to stay at home? Mari didn't know but she decided to get to the lockers, she got to Lila's locker and opened it to set the box inside with a note explaining what she made and how she was welcoming her and hoped they could become friends and have lunch together, she signed her name and then closed the locker to go to her own to put her things away and then grab her books for class.

What she didn't know however is that Lila had walked in just as Mari opened her locker to place the box and note, she hid so that the girl doesn't know she had been there this whole time and then went to her locker to grab the note before opening the box, when she saw the cannoli's she took one and moaned at the flavours, they were actually better than the ones from home, she smiled and closed her locker after taking what she needed and went to class, she didn't look at anyone and simply went to her seat, the lesson began and Mari wondered what Lila thought of her work.

Lila was quiet the whole time and that worried Mari greatly, she hoped the girl saw the box in her locker and would see her at lunch, as time went on Mari answered questions when asked and helped some students who couldn't get help from the teacher at the time... But she silently and secretly glared at miss Bustier who ignored Lila who was trying to ask for her help, she decided to help her during lunch as the bell rang making everyone get going for lunch, as she went to her locker, Alya rushes over saying that Adrien was inviting the class to this nice restaurant, Mari explained that she had her lunch and didn't want to waste it making the group look at her slightly upset.

But Adrien seemed to understand and offered to take her there another time, she smiled and nodded as the group left as she waved at them "Are they gone?" she turned to find Lila peeking from behind a row of lockers, Mari smiled and nodded making the Italian sigh in relief as she opens her locker to pull out the pastry box... And her lunch "I brought mine actually... But we can share it if you want" she offered making Marinette smile and nod at the plan, they picked an empty table and sat there while unpacking there food, Lila set the box down and Mari smiled at her as they began to eat, Lila explained what dish she brought and Mari explained what was in the food she made for the both of them.

They talked as they ate... But Lila was distracted by Mari's beauty and kindness, sure Marinette spoke about Ladybug... But it didn't make her hate the baker girl or get even more angry at the hero... Instead she saw things slowly in a new light, she did talk about her home in Italy to the baker but Mari looked so amazed by her words, Mari then invited her in her home to learn how to bake things making Lila seem excited... While offering to teach some italian dishes in exchange, they kept talking until they finished eating, they cleaned up and went to there lockers to trade numbers while Mari then handed her the jacket she made.

"I made this for you. I hope you like it and that it fits" she said with a smile making Lila smile and nod, the jacket had this amazing embroidery with her name and some foxes here and there, she was certain that Mari had made the jacket a while back and just added the rest yesterday, she thanked Mari and placed it in her locker before heading to the library, Mari smiled towards her as she walked away, a while later her classmates returned from the restaurant, Alya rushed over and gushed about the place and how Mari had to tell her everything after there date because it was clear that Adrien asked her on a lunch date... But Mari didn't care, she planned to already tell her that everything went okay.

She didn't plan on making it a date at all, she focused on the more important things in her life,  to be honest she wanted to focus on becoming friends with Lila since she didn't want the girl to be alone anymore... So that was her main plan, after a while everyone got into the classroom for the rest of the day, the lessons went slowly but well as Mari took notes with a smile, when the bell rang at long last, she began to pack her things only to be stopped by Adrien "I need to get going for my fencing lesson, but i'll text you the time and day to go to the restaurant on my way home" he explained making her nod in understanding as he walked out.

Alya squealed but Mari didn't care... She cared more about Lila right now, so she began to head on home to do her homework and then text Lila about meeting up for lunch again, she walked into the bakery and greeted her mom and dad before heading to her room, she pulled her things and then texted Lila to let her know if she had any question about the homework or when she was done, in the end the italian had questions and Mari set up for a video call to help her, once done they talked about having lunch at the bakery next time to enjoy more food together, Mari couldn't wait for it as she hung up... And that's when she realised it.

She was in love with Lila Rossi.

MLB: The true fox holderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin