A determined cat

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Adrien was transformed as Cat Noir that night while watching Marinette's room, the lights were off and he had no idea on if she will wake up if he knocked, but it was dark and he didn't really want to wake her up, so he slowly went to her trapdoor and opened it to look inside... And saw she wasn't there, it made him realize where she was and closed the door and rushed off to Lila's house... Except he didn't know where she lived at all in the end... So he would need to try and locate her another way.

He did remember that Nino lives in her area so that helped a bit, but not enough for him to know which place was where Lila lived at all... So he decided to wait and spy on Lila to figure out where she lives and go from there, so with a sigh he returned home and into his room upset at the fact that he wasn't able to talk to Mari about her being with him as Adrien at all... He really hoped that they could talk at school on Monday in the end since she was ignoring everyone right now which sucked for so many of them right now.

Come Monday Adrien is waiting for Mari to arrive, he really needed to talk to her and so far he didn't know when she would arrive at school as he looked at the time... He pulled out his phone when he heard it... People talking about Mari and Lila in the library making his eyes widen as he goes over there to check, he actually hoped that it wasn't true but his eyes widen when he saw them at a table working and eating together there before classes start, he just couldn't believe she would do something like this when they could be dating right now and be an amazing couple.

 People talking about Mari and Lila in the library making his eyes widen as he goes over there to check, he actually hoped that it wasn't true but his eyes widen when he saw them at a table working and eating together there before classes start, h...

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Then there was her clothes

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Then there was her clothes... While slightly still in her style it wasn't her at all and he hated that fact the most, he thought about going over to talk to her but the bell rang making them all need to get going for class, he walked in to find Alya looking slightly drained but still looked determined into getting her way in the end which told him that she had an idea with all of this, they both agreed that Mari shouldn't be hanging out with Lila at all and instead should be dating Adrien as they would be perfect together since he is a model and son of a famous designer and she dreams into becoming a famous designer herself.

Lila on the other hand... Would just ruin Mari in her dreams, thus they needed to take things into there own hands "Have you guys seen the footage on the new fox hero? She looked so cool!" Rose said making him look at her, Alya was also listening but she was keeping quiet as she didn't want to snap and complain about Rosa Renard being a fake hero, because the new fox hero was the talk of the talk Alya had to get some footage of her to post on her blog and talk in a positive way about her... If she spoke negatively then her fans will start asking questions and she might get attacked for it in the end.

There classmates talked about Rosa Renard for bit longer until classes began making them need to listen to the lesson, Alya wanted to talk to Mari so she sent her a text saying that they needed to talk... Boy did that backfire "Miss Bustier? Alya just sent me a text instead of listening to this very important lesson for the up coming test your giving us!" she said making Caline turn to Alya with a slight glare "I am very disappointed in you Alya, give me your phone right now. I'll give it to you after I had a talk with your parents" she said making Alya go pale as the teacher walked over and snatched her phone away.

Alya was in shock at this as she didn't know what to say or do... But she didn't have her phone for the rest of the morning, she ended up making miss Bustier believe that she accidentally sent that text and meant to send it when the lesson was ending, she tried to go see Mari but was then ignored "Come on Alya" she turned to find Adrien who smiled "I got us to have lunch with Chloe... Will talk to her to see about Lila being sent back to Italy" he said making her smile and nod with a new hope blooming within her as she continued on with her day until the lunch with Chloe "Yeah no... I'm not helping either of you in getting rid of Lila" Chloe said while Sabrina filed her nails.

 I'm not helping either of you in getting rid of Lila" Chloe said while Sabrina filed her nails

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Alya was shocked at her words, she had brought them to her room when they got to the hotel, she refused to talk until lunch arrived and once the staff left is when she refused to help before they even explained, Alya was pissed as she looked Chloe...

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Alya was shocked at her words, she had brought them to her room when they got to the hotel, she refused to talk until lunch arrived and once the staff left is when she refused to help before they even explained, Alya was pissed as she looked Chloe over with her crazy bee themed outfit, after she had been Queen Bee for at least two akuma battles (while she became Queen Wasp as she literally transformed in public) she has been wearing things with a bee on it non stop... Including a knock-off of the bee miraculous comb "But why Chloe? Lila is a liar and she is tricking Mari as we speak" Adrien explained to her childhood friend who was being handed her café aux lait to drink.

She took a sip before setting it down "And what has she donne exactly? Because from the way I see it... She's making Dupain-Cheng very happy as her girlfriend right now" Chloe said while not looking at either of her guests right now who were shocked by her words... But she wasn't done talking "Not only that but i'm turning a new leaf, I want to become friends with everyone so i'm not using the fact that i'm the mayor's daughter to get my way" she said making them look even more shocked by her words... So them talking to Chloe had actually... Just been a waist of there time, Alya didn't even touch her food... She simply stormed out of the hotel with determination, Adrien right behind her.

They arrived at school with Alya rushing to there classroom where there classmate's minus Mari and Lila were "Lila is using Mari for her own gain!" she shouted making them all look at her in shock "It's true! Sure she's dating Mari but it's only so she can become famous by dating a young new famous designer!" she explained making them all look at one another for a moment, Alya continued talking while Adrien backed her up with facts... Not caring that Mari and Lila had arrived at the hotel seconds after Alya and Adrien ran out, Chloe had wanted to talk to them about a deal "Adrien and Alya are determined on making Lila leave Paris... So i'm offering to use my power as the mayor's daughter to make it so it can't happen" she explained.

They were in her room, Lila eating Alya's food and Mari eating Adrien's which neither knew as this was food they liked, Sabrina was also eating while on Chloe's laptop at the moment, Lila was a bit nervous but nodded to Chloe "I want to move on from the lies I said when I first arrived at school" she explained making Chloe nod and then she snapped her fingers and Sabrina went straight to action on the laptop and her phone, Chloe took her phone and tapped a few times before putting it down "We should be getting positive results by tomorrow" she explained making them nod, after that the group returned to school only for Lila to be looked at with glares by her classmates making her nervous as she hoped for the day to end sooner.

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