The plan

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Chloe wakes up to Sabrina walking into her room with her breakfast while on her phone "Everything is going smoothly, Marinette and Lila are on there way to the hotel as you requested before going to bed" she said making Chloe nod as she eats, she thought about her outfit and snapped her fingers "Serious and business" she said and Sabrina nodded while heading to the closet to grab the outfit she requested as Chloe went to the bathroom to get ready, Mari and Lila walked in just as she walked out from getting dressed in the outfit Sabrina handed her "Good your both here, Sabrina pick two more outfits they need to be ready" she said making Sabrina nod and get to work.

The two girls were surprised by her words and tried to tell her that they were fine but she ignored them "We need to talk about what will happen next" she explained making the two nod as Sabrina returned with two more outfits, they took there turn in the bathroom and then sat down so Sabrina could work on there hair and make-up, Chloe watched them looking nervous before looking to the side where Pollen was hiding at the moment with a bright smile from how proud she was of her holder for everything she was doing right now, this was a big deal and Chloe will do her best to make things better for them no matter what happens next.

So with that, she tells them everything "Sabrina and I informed our dads of the whole situation, we reported that Alya and Adrien were being raised in a way that they think that what they are doing to Lila is alright... And then need to be removed from the custody of there parents now" she explained making them look at one another before nodding for her to continue "An investigation was started yesterday and police will go to both of there homes and then the school to question everyone" she added making them nod "They will to answer questions about Lila and if they claim they were told things... They will to say who it was who told them... Leading to Alya and Adrien" she finished making the two smile and nod at all of this.

Now they knew that things will be better, once all four of them were ready, Chloe guided them to the limo and they were then off for school, as they got closer she could see the fight that was happening from the reporters, police, parents and lawyers with there principal and teacher for what was happening between Alya and Adrien with Mari and Lila, she smirked as she knew they would win in the end, there ride parked and slowly they got out as the fight kept going without them being noticed at all but that was fine to Chloe... Especially since this won't last long.

They slowly got closer to the group and could clearly hear what was being said, the reporters were demanding to know if they were disappointed in the fact that there kids were like this, some asking Alya's parents if there other kids were the same, Alya was trying to make them stop but her parents were claiming that they didn't know where they went wrong with Alya... As for Adrien... His father was glaring at him while claiming to be embarrassed to know his son would lie about someone who hasn't done anything wrong, Chloe walked closer as reporters then noticed her.

They quickly moved to ask her questions and she simply raised her hand to silence them all "I only wish to say that I am appalled and disgusted to know that these two are my classmates, they actually came to me yesterday to ask me to get my father to have Lila Rossi deported by force with false accusations back to Italy" she explained making the two go pale as there parents grew angrier to her words "Think about it... Alya Cesaire dreams to become a reporter... But how much will she lie in stories to make people read her work? And Adrien Agreste? Who knows what he want's to do in life? But with the lack of knowledge on the outside world... How many will he hurt to become even more famous? His father literally told him to take Marinette Dupain-Cheng to a restaurant where he order for her things she hated and were small portions just to ask her to work for his father and date him so she becomes quickly famous and he becomes even more famous" she explained making everyone gasp.

"He doesn't even care if it's one sided on his end... He is willing to try and force her to date him even after she rejected him just to make himself even more famous and to please his father!" she exclaimed making reporters turn to Gabriel to demand answers from him, he never answered... Simply took Adrien and dragged him to the car and was driven away, Alya on the other hand was being yelled at by her parents... Causing the reporters to turn to there principal and teacher for answers now, it caused the two to panic and turn to Marinette... They began yelling at her to fix this but the police stopped them and forced them to come to the station with the Cesaire's to talk about all of this.

The problem in all of that... Is that Alya was akumatized as Lady Wi-Fi again, Mari groaned at this as they all ran from her, she and Lila needed to hide to transform while Chloe she needed to hide, she rushed into a bathroom stall and sighed... But then jumped when Pollen appeared "My queen! You must transform! Ladybug had her kwami tell me that your time has come!" she explained making Chloe's eyes widen before she smiled... She was now allowed to transform as Honey Bee, her time has come for Paris to see her as her new self... But the question was if they will accept her or see her as a new Queen Bee problem?

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