Date time!

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Lila was so excited! Today was the day of her date with Mari and she was very excited for it, her outfit was picked out and ready for her to put on and she had done her research of where they were going and what would happen in the end, Trixx giggled at her holder who was working hard on her hair which was in the same style she always had it in, Lila tried to make her kwami stopped but it only made her laugh more, when Lila deemed herself ready she left her home to get going, her mom went out to buy some groceries which was fine as Lila got going to the café.

Once there, she sat down at a table outside and texted Mari that she arrived and could order for the both of them if she wanted, Mari responded that she was almost ready to join her and what she wanted to order, by the time there orders arrived Mari came running over with a smile, she sat down and smiled at Lila they chatted while enjoy what they ordered... Not noticing Alya and Adrien watching them from around the corner, neither of them liked this at all since Adrien liked Mari and Alya wanted them together... And not whatever this was.

To her Mari and Lila together didn't work at all and it needed to stop before it got worst, which is why they were here, they had decided to watch them and interrupt at some point so they can make Mari see that Adrien was better then Lila, as a result the plan was pretty simple... Watch them, at some point surprise them by joining, whisk Mari away from Lila to be with Adrien and then Mari dates Adrien and teams-up with his dad, the plan was perfect and will work Alya will make sure of that much really, but the real question was Lila... They needed to make her leave for good and never come back... But that was easier said then done to be honest.

They would need help to make a plan that will work in the end, but that could wait until after they got Mari with Adrien, for now they needed to watch the two girls and be ready to jump in, after a while Lila pays and then they leave to move on to the next part of there date, the two were talking and walking around without a care in the world about anything happening around them right now... While Alya and Adrien followed them, Lila laughed with Mari or would respond to something she said as they walked, sometimes they will go into a store to look around and sometimes would walk out with a bag or two, she was so happy with how well the date was going right now... But she couldn't help but feel like they were being watched and followed.

"You feel it to right? Like were being followed and watched right now?" she turned to Mari who spoke those words, she nodded and secretly looked around... Then her eyes widen before glaring as she saw in the reflection of a window Alya and Adrien a little ways from them "It's Agreste and Cesaire... What are they doing here?" she hissed as Mari sighed, she had a feeling on why they were here right now but she would rather wait and see "I have a theory on the reason... But I want to wait and see before saying anything" she explained making Lila nod as they moved to get some ice cream at Andre's cart, he had just finished serving a couple before seeing the two girls and smiling towards the both of them.

He spoke to the both of them for a moment before making them there ice cream which was a fusion of the both of them, once done they walked off while eating there ice cream together, they ate and giggled while talking about the flavors before walking across the street... Just before cars began to drive which blocked Alya and Adrien from them for a while... Which gave the two girls some time to escape the two and get back to there date without any followers, of course there was a chance that the two would find them again but for now they would simply relax and enjoy the time they had together at the moment before it get's possibly ruined again "Movie or museum?" Lila asked making Mari think for a moment.

They ended up going for a movie, there was a new movie that Lila wanted to see and Mari decided to watch it with her, so they got to the movie theater and went into the screening room... Missing Alya and Adrien running by looking for them, they quietly spoke to one another before the movie started, the two girls held hands the whole time and enjoyed the movie until the very end, it was good too because they talked about the movie as they left to go to Lila's house for dinner and for a sleepover, Lila's mom offered the idea hence why she went to buy groceries.

When they arrived, her mom was cooking and told the girls to relax, so Lila offered to pamper Mari in her room, the girl accepted and was in fact pampered to no end, she was well cared for and treated like a queen, Lila was very happy on how things were going for them right now and she couldn't wait for there next date, by the time she was done the food was ready so the two girls moved to the table to eat and relax together, Lila's mother of course asked Mari a few questions and the young designer didn't mind at all the questions and allowed it, when the food was eaten, Lila's mom cleaned the dishes and told the girl to go to Lila's room and relax while she finished the dishes before going to bed.

Mari had offered to help but the woman simply smiled and said that it was fine and that she could take care of it all without a problem, with that said the two girls went to Lila's room and continued there relaxing time together, Lila did wonder about Alya and Adrien but she decided to wait and see what they might try at school on Monday... For now she will take care of her girlfriend without a care in the world that something is wrong and that it was those two's doing... Trixx and Tikki watched them secretly, the two kwami's were happy that things were going so well for there holders... But they knew that the black cat holder wasn't going to let this continue but they will stop him together.

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