Her thoughts

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Lila sighed as she closed her bedroom door behind her, she was alone for the night since her mom was working late and might not make it home tonight but allowed Lila to order some food, but she wasn't hungry right now... She simply missed Marinette, it had been a week since they began to bond and tomorrow Mari was going to have her "dinner date" with Adrien as Alya called it, Mari claimed that it wasn't like that at all and for Lila to not believe the blogger... But it was hard on her since she likes Mari so much and so badly wanted to tell her to cancel on Adrien to go on a date with her.

But with the class against her for her lies... She just couldn't, it would make her look like the bad guy and people would then claim all kinds of things about her that aren't true... So she sucked in a breath and said nothing, Mari had promised to contact her when she's in her room after the dinner thing, sure Alya had told Mari to tell her about the date she had with Adrien when she get's home... But she could need to get cleaned up and changed right? So it was going to be easy to lie to the blogger about it, so Lila got changed and then went to the kitchen to make herself some pasta since she was getting hungry.

She did wonder why Adrien wanted to take Mari to the restaurant though, Lila found out the day before that Adrien would always defend Chloe and her vile actions since they were friends, when she arrived he was friendly with her... But then turned his back once she was outed as a result Mari's crush on him died and she no longer liked him at all, it made her wonder if Mari would ever like her at one point... But a girl can dream right? Once she was done cooking, she went with her food to the couch to watch the TV where she finds out that an akuma attack happened a little way near the restaurant Adrien was taking Mari to, she grew worried and thought about texting her friend but decided to wait until she contacted about the dinner instead.

About an hour or so later, Mari called and Lila quickly answered "Mari! Are you okay? I saw the news about the akuma. Are you hurt?" she asked making Mari giggle "I'm fine actually, to my luck the akuma wasn't aiming for the restaurant so I was safe" she explained making Lila sigh in relief to the good news, she relaxed a bit more "So how did it go in the end?" she asked making Mari groan, it turns out that Adrien had ordered for her which she found rude because he went for things that she didn't like and were pretty small portions "He then started to talk about me working with his dad and how us dating will be even better" she sighed making Lila grumble as she went to the kitchen and prepared another plate "Why don't you come over? I made pasta" she said and Mari quickly hung up.

She was a little confused but then laughed when moment's later Mari was at the door, they sat on the couch where Mari revealed that she rejected the work offer and rejected fake dating Adrien for an image, but then Adrien revealed that he liked her for real and she refused as she didn't feel the same way and saw her dating him as cheating in life, then the akuma appeared and once it was defeated she texted Adrien that she was going home because this whole dinner had been a waste of both of there time, she ignored Adrien's texts and phone calls and just went home, Lila nodded and then took Mari to her room so she could give Mari a face and hair treatment to help her relax.

A while later, Alya calls, Mari sighs but answers while Lila is working on preparing everything "Yes Alya?" she asked while on Lila's bed, she went silent for a moment while Lila signaled that she was leaving for a moment making Mari nod "No Alya it wasn't a date like you hoped... It was his father telling him to offer me a business deal" she heard Mari explain, she faintly heard Alya shouting but it was muffled so she didn't know what was said "No it's true, mister Agreste told him to order for me and it was foods that I hate or are so small portions that I was still hungry when I got home" she explained before there was silence, Lila came back into her room when Mari spoke again "The deal was for me to work under him for collections and to date Adrien to help get me up in the world" she groaned as there was silence.

Lila was certain that Alya was trying to point out how good that would be... But Lila knew Mari well enough that to her that would be unfair and people would know her as the cheater in the fashion world, but Mari looked determined "No Alya, I am not going to date a guy I don't like while working for his father to get my way up into the world of fashion! Otherwise when he dumps me or I get fired what will I do? Nothing because I won't have a backup plan!" she exclaimed before hanging up and throwing her phone to the floor where to there luck it didn't break, Lila sat down at the edge of her bed with a soft smile "She will understand" she said making Mari smile before allowing Lila to work on her face care.

Lila first cleans Mari's skin as it's important to do, then she works a few other products to help her skin be clean and soft, once it was done she got to work on applying the mask she prepared to apply on Mari's face, she does faintly hear Mari's phone vibrate from a text making her look at it for a moment before focusing on her main task, once the mask was on she went to pick up Mari's phone to see it was Alya and Adrien texting her right now, Mari opens her eyes to look and sighs "Just look at them and sum up what they say" she said making Lila nod and go first to Alya's texts and she was shocked at them... Alya was being so harsh and rude "She's blaming me... For her situation and claims that you should take it until you can go off on your own" she explains making Mari look angry.

"Tell her that unless the next time she talks to me it's to apologize... Then I won't be her friend or talk to her again" she explained making Lila type the message and then goes to Adrien's texts, they were pretty simple enough, he was apologizing for the dinner today but brought up the working for his father and dating him again... Lila explained this and Mari responded with having her tell him what she thought of dinner and how her answer was still no, after that she turned off Mari's phone like she asked and went to work on her crushes' hair, she used some of her favorite products and explained to Mari what she was using and how she was doing it... Then slipped an extra of the product in Mari's bag.

It wasn't like she was going to need them anyways, her mom orders in boxes of these products because there from Italy and they don't sell them in Paris... Plus it's hard to find good products that match what they use, from the look of it Marinette wasn't using products that work well for her hair... So she made a mental note to bring extra shampoo and conditioner if she stays over the night at Mari's place to help her figure things out with her hair, after a while she removed the mask and then got to work on finishing up with Mari's face and hair before turning her phone back on and helping her get to the door to go back home "I'll see you tomorrow?" she asked making Mari smile and nod before heading on home... While Lila blushed at the fact that she touched Mari's face and hair just now.

God... She really was in love with that girl.

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