kinda wanna get involved

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A/N: hey y'all im still alive, i'll just write when i feel like it without forcing myself to because it's more fun that way. anyways ⚠️mentions and comments of smut⚠️


I am peacefully sitting in English class, looking at the board, the teacher is giving a presentation about some project we need to do. Honestly, my mind is nowhere near focused on the topic the class was discussing.

All my mind can focus on is her. the things I want to do to her, and the things I want to be done by her to me.

The teacher finally stops talking and announces that we were done for the day, and we had the rest of the class time as free time. I take my phone out of my backpack and unlock it, expecting to see a text from her, and once my phone was unlocked I was not disappointed.

you have no idea how bad I want you right now.

I read those words and quickly turned my phone off once again. I looked at the teacher, then at my classmates, was she really about to make a mess out of me in the school building?

I gained strength back and picked my phone up, unlocking it once again, decided to reply.

I want you too baby, so so bad

I waited for her response, hoping she would not make me drown myself in weakness in the middle of about 20 or so students. All I could thing about was the things we talked about the night before, all the things she said she wanted to do to me. Will she really do them? does she really think of me that way? does she really want me? She is the best person i have ever met, she loves me and has shown it to me every chance she gets. She would never lie about her feelings, not for me, not to me. Maybe it's just the thought of not being desirable enough for her. Many people have wanted me before, i guess it felt good to know there was somebody who wished they could have me, sexually and romantically. None of that mattered however, the only person who I want to want me is her, i need her to need me.

Suddenly all of my thoughts were interrupted by the top part of my phone screen taking my attention, showing a notification from Billie. "Do you want me to tell you how bad i want you baby? or do you want me to show you?" was her response. I thought for a second, trying not to make it seem noticeable that i was getting nervous at the eyes of my classmates and decided to give in, i mean, i did want to know how much she wanted me. At this point I did not care if I was a mess while being in class. I needed her, I needed her words. I decided to reply with "why don't you do both angel?" and placed my phone back on the desk.

We were given free time since we were on finals day and we had already taken our final before. I was looking at my computer screen trying to find something to do, trying to make my brain think of something other than her body, her words, how pretty she looks, and how pretty she would sound-

my phone screen lights up.

well my love, i could spend hours talking about the things i want to do to you.
how i wish i could grab your thighs and place them on my sides.
how i wish i could make out with you until our lips went numb.
how i wish i could kiss your neck and hear the pretty sounds i can make you release.
but wouldn't it be better if i just show it to you?

My mind went blank, i did not know how to respond to that and how to keep it cool in front of my classmates. A million thoughts went through my head and i could assure you that they had nothing to do with school. I gained enough courage to pick up my phone, again, and question her about her last sentence.

what do you mean, angel?

go to the bathroom that's by your class
don't ask
just go

if I was nervous before I had reached a whole other level now. I wasn't even going to question her, i just obeyed what she had said. I stood up and walked to the  teacher, asking her if i could go to the bathroom. I walked out of my class and walked straight to the bathroom (not really, i can't walk straight for shit), anyways i went directly to the bathroom.

I entered the bathroom just to see her standing in front of the mirror, washing her hands, she immediately turned to me. "hi mama, i thought you wouldn't show up" she said smiling, almost with a smirk. How can she be so adorable and hot at the same time? "what do you mean, i literally came here once i saw your text-" I responded. "I know baby i just wanted to see you" she said finishing washing her hands and walking to me, she quickly grabbed me and pushed me into a stall. I only looked at her without questioning her. "you're so pretty angel, do you know that?" she asked, I just nodded because i knew that's what she wanted. She has this thing for making me understand how pretty I am to her because according to her I am the most beautiful human her eyes have ever landed on.

She stared at me and smiled. Her smile full of love, her eyes full of lust. I love this side of her, a side of her none could ever get but me. Cause she's only mine and i'm only hers, she shows that to me any time she gets. And i mean literally because she just made me walk out of class to push me into a stall, not complaining. She grabbed my face gently and started kissing me, slowly at first, and eventually I slightly parted my lips and it became a making out session. We were being quiet, but everybody was in class and normally there's no people in the bathroom at this time. Nobody was there, just us two making out.

I swear i could feel how bad she wanted me in that kiss and how bad she wanted to fuck me, but i could also feel how much love she had for me and how much she cherished me. She was pressing her body onto mine, i love that. I felt the hand that was not holding my face go down my body, touching it, slowly feeling every part of my body shape as if she was admiring it with her touch. I felt her smile into the kiss and pull away, looking me straight in the eyes.

"You're so beautiful in every single way" she said. "Your pretty face..." she said bringing her hand up to my cheek and slightly caressing it. She brought her hand down to the side of my thighs, "your thighs...your  waist, your stomach..your chest..." her hand kept going up until she reached my neck and wrapped her hand around it softly. "your neck..." she slowly started kissing my neck, making me slightly part my lips because of how good it felt, until she pulled away. of course she pulled away. "but we can't stay here longer baby, we have to go back to class" she said with a 'duh' tone. Me almost speechless because of what had just happened just said "are you serious?". "Yes my love, see you after school, mwah" she said giving me a kick kiss and leaving the bathroom, of course leaving me a mess.

this fucking Sagittarius. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2022 ⏰

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