Another stupid song pt.1

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my phone started ringing. 10 pm. omg, her. "Billie incoming call..." I picked up, what happened to my baby now. yes, it's weird I call her that because she's just my best friend, but i've been in love with her since years ago. "Y/N...I need you" she says with her voice shaking, she's been crying. "are you home baby?" i ask, she says yes and I hang up heading to her house. running, since she's only a few miles blocks away. Yes, at 10 pm.

I get to her house and knock on the door. she opens it, I see her beautiful face with mascara stains and puffy eyes with a red nose. God, she looks so beautiful still. i fall in love with her all over again. she takes my hand closing the door behind us, leading me to her room. i seat on her bed, quiet. she then hugs me and start sobbing. i play with her hair while hugging her tight, waiting for the perfect time to ask what's wrong. the silence seemed to comfort her until she broke it. "i walked in on him with another girl" after she managed to take those words out of her mouth I hugged her tighter than before while she continues to cry. "he doesn't deserve you Billie, he's an asshole. you deserve way better." i tell her. she looks up from the hug to my face, and stares right into my eyes. those fucking eyes, they make me go completely numb.

she says "what hurts me the most is that I distanced myself from you to please him, just so i could have him as a distraction. he wasn't even worth it..." I was so confused at what she said, but didn't dare to ask. "it's okay Bil, it's okay...i'm here now, i'm not leaving." i saw her smile at my words, until a knock on the door broke our moment.

Billie got up opening the door. Him. fucking him. he just stood there looking at Billie. "What do you want?" Billie said.

//him: the dude Bi:Billie//
him: I'm sorry..
bi: so what?
him: I already said I'm sorry Billie, what do you want?
bi: for you to shut up.
him: baby it was a mistake.
bi: don't call me that. you's time to come to terms and put myself first.
him: what do you mean?
bi: boy you never listen..we're over. take this as my last goodbye, i've made up my mind to erase you.
him: Please give me another chance Billie, i promise I will change for you.
bi: I can't, and you know something heart belongs to someone else too. get the fuck out.

Those were Billie's last words before closing the door on his face.
(yes i updated this chapter only to change the dude's  name bc idk what i was thinking)

A/N// OK BUT I LOVE THIS NGL. please comment something. also, I have a great idea for an imagine but I kinda wanna make it into a short book, would y'all read it.

anyways pls eat something, drink water and reach out to me if you need to talk or if you want to be friends or just need company. love y'all thank you for 200 reads <3

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