Chapter 18

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We all sat in the break room, it was the early morning and we were relaxing before having to go to actual work but it was hard cause Mateo kept on moaning.

"Mateo, we get it." I told the man at the table beside us.

"Okay, I can't help it. I have an ear infection." Mateo touched his ear.

"You know, whenever I get one of those, I put a little garlic oil in my ear." I looked at Glenn.

"It takes away the sting, and you get to smell like the Pope."

"I'm telling you, a little VapoRub on a Q-tip and..." Amy suggested.

"Again with the VapoRub." Jonah rolled his eyes.

"It's a miracle drug!" I defended my Aunt, poking my fiance in the chest.

"Oh, why don't you go to a doctor?" Kelly asked as I laughed.

"Our deductible is $4,000, so no." Mateo told her.

"We don't have the best health insurance." Jonah told Kelly.

"I get ear infections all the time, okay? It will go away." Mateo told us.

"I've had cavity for over a year." Sandra spoke up.

"I just put a little candle wax in it to hold me over until I win the lottery."

"That's horrifying." Kelly said.

"It's not so bad once the nerve is dead." Sandra brushed it off.

"You got to rub breast milk on it." Isaac said.

"Breast milk helps anything. The problem is just finding breast milk." I held my breasts.

"Why would you go looking for breast milk
when we have VapoRub right here in the store?" Amy asked.

"Yeah, or root beer. A root beer fixes everything." Marcus said.

"Gallstones, pinkeye. It'll clean your toilet.
It's kind of the perfect food."

"You need antibiotics, not useless home remedies." Jonah said as I rolled my eyes.

"Says the guy who drinks apple cider vinegar every morning." I said as Amy got up.

"No, no. That's good. That has, um... It's... I'm gonna look up the article." Jonah pulled out his phone.

"Okay, you can use some of mine." Amy closed her locker VapoRub in her hands.

"It's a bug repellant, It heals cuts. My
grandma's using it to shrink her moles." Amy went off.

"Well your grandma's a moron." Dina said.

"Bitch." I mumbled under my breath.

"Well the moles are shrinking, Dina, so who's the moron?" Amy asked.

"You don't mess with moles. You see a doctor. I recently had one removed." Dina said.

"Sounds like someone's had some work done." Glenn said.

"That's very Beverly Hills of you."

"Uh, no, Glenn, it was a melanoma, and we caught it early so guess who has two thumbs and is cancer free." Dina said.

"Everybody but Dale."

"Enzymes..." Jonah held up his phone looking at me.

"Apple cider vinegar has good enzymes." I rolled my eyes getting up.

"I'm the only good thing you need." I placed a kiss on his lips before leaving the break room with Sandra.

Amy and I stood at customer service working on a fake charity to pay for Mateo to go to the doctors.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2022 ⏰

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